Tuesday 10 March 2015

A Walk in our local Woods Today

Spring has sprung so breaking off from working in the garden to take a walk in our local woods. 
A five minute car ride and we are surrounded by countryside to the North of our Borough. Looking South from our nearest park where I walk regularly we overlook London, the best of both worlds.

This park was the estate of Havering Palace with King Charles the I being the last Monarch to stay there in the 17th century. It was used as a royal hunting lodge
Today we are going to begin by walking down the long path of Redwoods

till we come across the Snowdrops, so pretty and delicate

Of course on returning home the gardening is still there! Over the weekend I pruned two trees, 9 bushes and 6 rose bushes - that's just for starters - a lot more to do yet!


  1. Just what I consider quintessential English countryside...lovely...and very glad I am that you took a break from all that heavy-duty gardening. Are the daffodils blooming?

  2. What lovely early spring walk in your woods!
    Take good care,

  3. Thank you for taking us on this virtual walk, it is beautiful :-)

  4. Lovely....so serene and peaceful!

  5. Glad you were able to get out and enjoy a little bit of Spring. I love snowdrops!

  6. It looks like a perfect walk and the snowdrops look so beautiful.

    Pruning the roses is a huge job. I am always relieved when they are done.

  7. Thanks so much for sharing your walk and springtime. We are still snow covered but it is melting off this week with warmer temps. Maybe soon we do will have Spring !

  8. We cut our roses back and waiting for spring. Lovely walk!

  9. Lovely walk in the English countryside and such a wonderful field of snowdrops....
    The weather is sunny, here too, so we can go on gardening, so much to do but I love it.
    Wish you happy gardening!

  10. Thank you for the enjoyable walk in the English countryside and woods. I just love the pictures and they made me feel like I was there.

  11. So pretty and so much missed!

  12. Barb, It's been a while since I stopped by. This was a wonderful walk!

  13. Interesting. Aside from the absence of trees here, your countryside reminds me very much of places that I can drive too as well and have a relaxing ramble through.


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