Tuesday 9 December 2014

My Garden in November and December

Roses were still lovely in November but nothing like the Summer show of course

A little colour

and then December sets in
with a cheeky Fox

and I don't enjoy having to have the lights on  all day when it is so dull outside

Having had our first severe frost I brought in the last of the roses and cut down all the buds so that I can forget them now until February pruning

and I can never resist a sunset which shows that it is not all gloom. In fact we had a glorious sunrise this morning but we don't have the view at the front like we do for sunsets at the back.
Now it's time to think of getting out the Christmas decorations and tree and finish making the cards.


  1. Oh I had to look closely to see the sneaky fox. Your roses are beautiful. My little roses are wrapped and tucked away until April or later.

  2. Washington is known for it's gloom, too. But once in a while the sun peeks through. We even had a sunny day not too long ago.
    Love your garden and your roses are gorgeous.

  3. Yes it was a cheeky monkey & looking straight at you too.

    Your garden looks good even in winter Barbara.

    I'm currently writing out my cards. Takes me about 3 or 4 attempts. Will hopefully finish them tomorrow. I don't like doing it but it is nice when you're writing to people you don't see often. The tree will have to wait until the weekend. Problem is we're out most of it!

  4. I love your garden. The colours of your roses are beautiful and it is quite special to see Mr. Fox wandering through your yard. He must think you have a lovely garden as well!
    A very pretty post Barbara.

  5. Like Vee, I had to look closely to see the fox. He does look sneaky.

    Our roses have been asleep for awhile since we had a cold snap early on. How lovely to have a vase full to enjoy now in December. Their colors are gorgeous.

  6. I'll bet you hate to see the roses come to an end. The last of them looked so pretty.

    Have a wonderful Christmas season, Barbara.

  7. So enjoyed seeing the last of your roses. November was unusually cold for us so mine didn't last past October this year. I'm finally done with the decorating here and have the cards about done too, but need to start baking some now.

  8. I can't imagine what my cats would do if a fox walked through their garden! Glad you have gathered up your bouquets of roses. They've done well this year.

  9. A beautiful sunset. Today started off with blue skies, but then I nearly got blown away by the wind when I went out to a meeting. It's good to be back home now.

  10. I've enjoyed your roses all through the year. Lovely...Have a happy Christmas....Balisha

  11. Enjoy your Christmas decorating, Barbara. Can't wait to see when you are finished. Do you see foxes often around your neighborhood? They are pretty things.

    The sunset is so golden; sometimes you need clouds for especially lovely sunsets like this one.

  12. A lovely set of cheery colourful photos, just what I need on a dull rainy day.

  13. I'm trying to catch up a bit. I love seeing your roses but that sunset is marvelous! It was breathtaking.

  14. Brilliant Fall foliage, a foxy fox, lovely flowers, and a very fine sunset all fight the failing light so beautifully, Barbara. Thanks for sharing the photos.

  15. The pictures are amazing! The flowers are beautiful! I also love to take pictures of the sun!!


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