Saturday 8 November 2014

The Jamaica Inn of Daphne Du Maurier, Bodmin Moor, Cornwall

Jamaica Inn was used by smugglers on their way to London from the Cornish coast

the modern side of the Inn where we enjoyed our coffee

and the original smugglers bar known as
Joss's bar

Mary Yellan and Joss Merlyn

Squire Bassett

Alan fooling around

The beginning of the bleak moorland

There is a very interesting and historical museum but we are wanting to be on our way as we are homeward bound today. We did not know at this point that it was going to take us 7 hours to travel 175 miles to our overnight stop. Motorway closures, congested traffic and accidents!!!

The book was made into a film and below is a brief outline of the story

Her Mother's dying request takes Mary Yellan on a sad journey across the bleak moorland of Cornwall to Reach Jamaica Inn, the home of her Aunt Patience. With the coachman's warning echoing in her memory, Mary arrives at a dismal place to find Patience a changed woman, cowering from her overbearing husband, Joss Merlyn.
Affected by the Inn's brooding power, Mary is thwarted in her attention to reform her aunt, and unwillingly drawn into the dark deeds of Joss and his accomplices. As she struggles with events beyond her control she is further thrown by her feelings for a man she dare not trust...
and how Daphne came to write the book
On a cold and eerie night in 1930, writer Daphne Du Maurier arrived at Jamaica Inn, high on the windswept Bodmin Moor.
The following day she went riding with a friend but the mist suddenly came down. They got lost and it started to get dark. In the end they saved themselves by dismounting and seeing if the horses would lead them back, which thankfully they did. Daphne stayed a few moor nights to recover from the ordeal and learned about the legendary history of Jamaica Inn including the smuggling that had gone on there. This, the atmosphere of the hostelry and the wild moor, inspired her to write her most famous and inspiring novel, Jamaica Inn.
It's many decades since I read the book so it's on my Christmas list to read again. 


  1. Ah, Jamaica Inn, we visited it 2 years ago when we stayed in Dartmoor. There were 2 busses with tourists at that time, very touristic, but I definitely wanted to visit because I love Daphne du Maurier's books, I have them all, and Jamaica's Inn is my favourite, I have read it three times. I too love the Bodmin moors, the desolate landscape on a gloomy day.....

  2. So interesting, Barbara. I can't believe I've never read this book. And, it's not like I wasn't aware of it. I need to rectify that. IMMEDIATELY>

  3. Great photographs Barbara.

    I started to watch the recent TV production but gave up after about 20 minutes as I either couldn't hear or understand what the chap playing the uncle was saying. Shame I was looking forward to it. I read later that there had been a lot of complaints about the sound quality. Maybe they'll do something about it.

    Would be great to visit there.

  4. Love this post. Such a wild and romantic story. I haven't read Jamaica Inn for many years. Like you, I think I'll put it on my winter reading list.

  5. Oh I DO remember the stoppages, closures, congestion and diversions when traveling in England. We are so spoiled over here being able to guarantee arriving at our destination after long journeys of driving.

  6. I've never read that book, only have read Rebecca, now I want to read it very much. Library time! Thanks for the interesting tale of a tale.

  7. Maybe I need to read that book over again too. How wonderful to see such an historic place, but then, everything you see has a lot of history there.

  8. Hi Barbara! I have been catching up with your travels again, and enjoyed seeing Alan having fun with his companions at the Inn :)
    In the previous posts I was especially interested in the biomes. I have never toured one but am fascinated by them and your impressions of the ones you visited.
    Hope your computer woes have been resolved!
    Blessings to you and yours.

  9. sending a big hug, i have so much going on. We had a awful blizzard Nov 1
    have to run Dr. appt at 8 AM

  10. I'm afraid I've been very behind on my blog reading, Barbara! I can see I have some great posts of yours to catch up on. Did read the latest two ... such history! And now I know what they are referring to on Doc Martin when they say someone's gone Bodmin (which I thought they were saying Bogman!). I haven't read that book, so I will have to see if our library has it. It's a wonder to me that I've missed so many good books over my life! Thanks for your encouragement and your visit. Yes, I forget that becoming Christ-like is a process, and that even St. Paul struggled. Blessings to you and yours, Bess

  11. Just letting you know I did read Jamaica Inn the last couple of weeks. Excellent writing, of course, and quite suspenseful. Your post of the locale really fits so well with the book. Having said that, I find gothic romances are not my cup of tea anymore, but I'm glad to have read the book anyway! Grateful for you and your blog! Bess

  12. I did not know that the book was based on a real place!! I love her books and have not read them in years but they hold a dear place in my heart.


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