Sunday 16 November 2014

Lostwithiel, Cornwall

On our recent trip to Cornwall we stopped off at the nearest town to where we were staying to stock up on groceries

Lostwithiel - a small but interesting town nestling at the top of the Fowey Estuary in a sheltered valley, dating back to the 12th century

Adding on the following photograph as I was so impressed with it and forgot to include it in the cottage photos 
It is one of the bathrooms in our cottage and the owner had painted this lovely mural on the wall - a continuing of the birds on the branches of a tree depicted on the window blind 


  1. What a lovely town & such great photos. I love the name too.

  2. Some of those structures look very old indeed. Loved the building on the corner with the vine growing up it and the three little arched windows with columns! Also the pretty green garden. And . . . what was up with that striped car in the view of the church? I agree with you about that bathroom wall with the birds on the branches.

  3. It looks like a charming town. I love the painting on the wall that continues the design.

  4. The thick-walled building with the open window shows the age of the cottage. So many pretty sights in the town.

  5. It looks like such a solid, peaceful place! Thanks for the views, Barbara.

  6. Loved the photos!
    I used to know the town well in the 1960's!
    Greetings from a very chilly new York!

  7. Looks like an interesting small town to wander around. The traders have made good use of some picturesque old buildings.

  8. After visiting so many village with you, this one is very simple. It tells me that the old towns of Cornwall, whether filled with charming shops or appear more like an ordinary place to live, are all so clean and bright and absolutely beautiful.


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