Tuesday 28 October 2014

The Eden Project (Part 2) Conwall

I did not find this Biome particularly interesting compared with the rain forest Biome.
It is fairly new so not so mature. It shows plants from The Mediterranean, California and South Africa. Just walking around at random so they will be a little mixed up.
I'll leave it to you to decide which are which! 
Do visit my previous post if you have not already done so where there is information about this project

Outside now

If you look carefully you will see that this sculpture is made from discarded waste material

One could fly over the whole site if wished - on as zip wire of course
Well that's it for The Eden Project
the first post has to be my favourite


  1. It's such an amazing concept - to have all these different climates under roofs. Our earth is so varied. Thanks for taking us there.

  2. Very interesting posts about the Eden Project, I hope to visit it on a next England tour.

  3. I don't know why but that last photo made me burst out laughing . . . he/she looks like an action figure hero flying across the sky; it struck me as funny.

    Love those red geraniums in their terracotta pots. But the statues of people and animals among the bushes are a little creepy.

    It certainly is an unusual place to visit.

  4. That was kind of fun to see some of the plants that are so common in my climate... in your photographs!


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