Wednesday 8 October 2014

Mevagissey, Cornwall and a Treat in October

Having spent the day at Heligan it seemed a shame to not visit the fishing harbour of Mevagissey that was only 5 minutes drive away.
It's amazing how I could feel so tired at the end of our jungle trip in Heligan, yet come to life again in this new environment!

This harbour is not as pretty as some we have visited but it has it's own charm all the same

Having wandered the harbour we make our way back towards the car park visiting some galleries on the way

and on the top of the cliff on the way back to our cottage we pass St. Austell Bay

Looking across the bay to where we are staying

Now the treat
I am going to leave you with some lovely October roses from the garden
Since taking these photographs a few days ago the weather has really turned
We have left the driest September on record behind and now are experiencing cooler weather with rain and storms

The latest card I made for a friend's birthday

and lastly a sunrise a few days ago
I have really combined two posts into one here as I am going to be without my computer for a while
my laptop has been over heating for some time (very hot) and crashing as a result. Decided it was time to get it fixed.
Kept putting it off as I hate to think of being without it for 10 days!
What did we do before this technology? 
At least my i-pad softens the blow!! 


  1. Your roses are so beautiful, Barbara, and all your recent village/harbor posts are so informative, interesting, and pretty. It is fun to see your good photos and to learn about England from your blog. Blessings, Bess

  2. Your roses are so pretty. Glad you can enjoy these last few. I hope the computer fix is successful and we'll soon see you back on line.

  3. Lovely October roses!
    We once tried to go to Mevagissy in the 60's and it was so full of tourists we re-Christenened it
    "GiveItAMissy" - !
    Currently on our way home from Prague.

  4. I loved seeing all your pictures but the roses really caught my eye. Mine are doing quite well right now too. I am with you and would miss my computer for 10 days for sure. Glad you have that iPad.

  5. Those roses are amazing. Good luck with your computer....hope it gets fixed in a hurry.

  6. Your roses are still so pretty! Mine have gone already end of August and I have cut them down. Yes, we are really customed on the new technology and rarely can be without it. I can hardly imagine to be without a computer for a longer time!

  7. Hello Barbara, this post is wonderful. I love the harbor . . . my husband and I are very fond of exploring new harbors and looking at all the boats. That one shot where the two long narrow rocks are pointed into the harbor, made me think of two whales resting while planning their trip back into the sea:) Thank you for visiting my blog and for your sweet comments. I have been following you for sometime now and wish that I could talk you into following me back. Us older gals need to stick together and be an encouragement that years don't matter . . . life is here to be enjoyed. Here's wishing you a splendid day.
    Connie :)

  8. That is a movie set village. Your roses are gorgeous. Main had a dry Sept. too. Now we have rain and it will start to get cooler. Do you feed the roses every two weeks? I don't have a green thumb.
    loved the post.

  9. I see I missed commenting on this post though I read it a while ago. Your photos of the boats reflected in the water are very peaceful looking. Love that "Diversion" sign which I guess might mean the same thing as our "Detour" signs over here.

    Your roses are always lovely and you do have an abundance of them.


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