Tuesday 16 September 2014

Port Isaac (and Doc Martin!), Cornwall

We had a really lovely week in Cornwall and were blessed with such warm and sunny weather
Everywhere we visited entailed lots of walking up and down steep cliffs from the car parks to the coves, often for about three quarters of a mile as there is just not enough space for tourists to park
Shuttle buses, trams and taxis were available but we chose to walk both ways on all our visits

I have decided to post on Port Isaac first as so many of my blogging buddies love the TV series Doc Martin and this is where the outdoor shots are filmed

The old school seen here is no longer a school but a restaurant so the internal filming is done elsewhere 

It is where we chose to have lunch

before spending some hours wandering around

 Dr. Ellingham's home and surgery

We will be wondering around and taking photos as I go so a bit random

The beach and slipway where lots happen in the film

Roscarrock Hill leading up to the Doc's house 

Looking across to the other side from the hill

Well here I am outside the Doc's house complete with dustbin on the steps
This is the hill we regularly see him run down to various emergencies

A kind Canadian offered to take a photo of Alan and I, 
how could we refuse

There were quite a lot of Americans here

The film's Pharmacy
 a gift shop in real life 

The white house with the steps leading down to the beach
is where Al Large and Son run a restaurant in the garden

and just to show that this is a real live fishing village some fishermen have arrived with a catch of crabs

and the Fisheries authorities are waiting to measure the crabs to see if they are the legal size for being caught

and lastly Louisa's home
I do hope you enjoyed your visit
it's time to plod back up the hill now


  1. Ever since we started watching the show we have put this location on our must visit list. It looks as beautiful as the show depicts it. I'm now a bit green with envy! lol

  2. Surprisingly, it is a programme that we never watch! But Port Isaac is such a pretty little place to wander around.

  3. That was fun! A delightfully photogenic community and it is wonderful to see you and Alan there.

  4. Oh I so did enjoy your trip ;) I am impressed with how much walking you did. I can't wait for the new season. It really is in my top 5. Downton Abby of coarse being number 1. Great photo's as always Barbara.

  5. I just watched a show on the making of Doc Martin that featured many of the sites you've shown and how the filming is done. Such a picturesque village - and a fun show.

  6. It is a charming village...and the natural beauty is glorious...like its Glorious Maker!

    [I do hope Doc Martin appreciates that :-) ]

  7. What fun to visit here. I so enjoy seeing places we've visited in shows like Inspector Lewis, Inspector Morse, Endeavor, and Midsomer Murders. After visiting St. Ives I thought maybe part of Doc Martin might have been filmed there but then we investigated and saw that was not the case. Glad you found someone to take a photo of the two of you!

  8. That was great fun and I recognized many places. Thanks Barbara. We love Doc Martin over here in the USA.

  9. PS: Forgot to say, that one crab catcher was a surprise, with his dread locks. Not used to seeing dread locks on middle aged pudgy white guys wearing glasses and yellow waterproof overalls!

  10. Love Doc Martin, and one of the reasons is that we love the scenery. Thanks for the pictures. Maybe the story is made up, but the place exists!

  11. What super pictures - and what lovely weather.
    Augusts in Cornwall can be very wet.
    From the US, Cornwall looks so gorgeous.
    And we LOVED Doc Martin!

  12. Thanks for the lovely tour! We also love Doc Martin and can hardly wait for the next season. We've always been curious about the large house behind the Doc Martin's house -
    Thanks again,

  13. What a lovely arm-chair tour you have shared with us! My husband and I love Doc Martin, and this is a treat to see where they film it. Thanks! -Beth

  14. It is a great series & that scenery is gorgeous. Glad you had such a good time & were well enough to enjoy it so much.

  15. So happy you were able to visit this beautiful village. We adore Doc Martin. I have read about the Port. You are the only one I know, that has visited. In all the episodes, there is appears to be a lot of pink flowers blooming. Do you know the name of it? I used to grow it when I lived on the California coast.

  16. Hi, I came over from Sara's blog. How exciting to be in the village where Doc Martin is filmed. My hubby (The Other Half) would love to see all those places that are scenes in the series.

  17. I haven't watched Doc martin but looking at your pictures makes me want to become a fan. Jane

  18. I love love Doc Martin!! Thanks for making my day! Yes, I'm reading your old posts. Bless you for all the information and photos.


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