Sunday 24 August 2014

The New Forest with Lyndhurst and Brockenhurst, Hampshire

After about 30 minutes in a traffic queue in order to drive into Lyndhurst (a combination of narrow roads and popularity) we decided a quick light lunch would be the first stop with Welsh Rarebit being our choice.

Lyndhurst is the largest village in the forest and as such is very popular with tourists and hosts many restaurants, pubs and tearooms

the road looks quiet here but only because the traffic lights are just changing

We have just walked the length of the main street

and have now turned around to go back

and make a stop and buy the most delicious hand made ice-cream
Yes it's the wind blowing up my top

The Ferrari dealers - I took this photograph for my grandson 

I purposely waited till traffic lights changed to get clear view 

Having left the village we turn onto the forest road
The unique landscape has been shaped over many centuries by grazing ponies, cattle and pigs, which roam freely across the forest. They appear wild but are owned by people called commoners who have historic rights to graze them here

This breed of ponies have been here for 2000 years and 
there are around 3000 here

They are rounded up twice a year for veterinary checks. 
Colts are taken out of the forest before they can breed
The breed has to be kept pure

The New Forest National Park ( 220 square miles) is home to over 34,000 people, with many thousands more on the doorstep, yet it remains one of the last places in the south of England to offer a sense of wildness and tranquillity
Indeed William the Conqueror, who set aside the forest for hunting more than 900 years ago, would probably recognise much of it today

The Pig - a restaurant with rooms rather than a hotel looked a good place to stop for afternoon tea until we found that they did not serve such 

Part of an expensive chain, liked because the interiors are old and shabby looking

the car park wall made of logs

so drive into Brockenhurst instead 

and have afternoon tea in The Buttery 

Whilst having our tea these 2 ponies trotted down the main street, stopping to look in windows and when I tried to follow them I got to see why they were trotting so fast - obviously thirsty
They were followed by a large horned cow who did not keep up with them

Refreshed we drove on again into the forest and came across many more ponies proving to us that they had the right of way

before we had the road to ourselves again

 This part of the forest is full of Redwoods

We have had a lovely day so off to hit the traffic again
There are 610 listed buildings in the forest - ranging from palaces, country houses (Palace House at Beaulie, Hale Park, Exbury House, to many smaller typical cottages built of brick, timber-frame or cob - clay mixed with straw and water, straw, sand and earth)


  1. Looks fabulous. You had me at "afternoon tea!"

  2. I am certain that William the Conqueror did not foresee the delight his New Forest would be for generations to come when he intended it for his own hunting grounds.

  3. We had the delight to visit there a couple of years ago when we were visiting our friends there. It was so interesting. I loved seeing it again on your post.

  4. I so enjoyed your lovely photos.

  5. Oh, how I would love to have spent some time looking around that Antique Shop. What a lovely day.

  6. Fascinating! A place where ponies have the right of way looks so lovely through your camera lens, Barbara. [Our family members were running from window to window yesterday to see a coyote that was wandering through our property! And the other day we saw a doe and her fawn. I hope the three do not meet!]

  7. There are a couple of bloggers on my blog roll who live in that area. One of them also mentioned the redwoods. It will be a few hundred years before those trees reach their full growth. I enjoyed seeing the forest and the ponies, though it seems they might be a bit of a nuisance at times.

  8. First time here and I see all those fabulous pictures of the New Forest. So nice to see it back, long ago I was an 'au pair'in Southampton and visited all these places frequently. I am fond of gardening and love the beauty of nature. Will be your new follower.

  9. What a lovely day out. Great photos.

    I've never been to the New Forest so thanks for the trip Barbara.

  10. Hi Barbara,
    Oh I just enjoyed this visit EVER SO MUCH!! How interesting and lovely it all is!! Thank you for sharing this delightful trip!!
    Many many blessings, Linnie

  11. I enjoyed this post so much. Love seeing your English favorite spots. I do love the English custom of "tea" I think that we need to relax and have tea in the afternoon too.

  12. I would just love to stop in at The Buttery. Seeing the picture of your Welsh Rarebit makes me want to take a huge bite out of perfectly prepared.
    Your pictures are most interesting and I long to travel to England.
    I enjoy your blog so very much and have leaned so much from your journeys.
    Thank you Barbara.

  13. As ever, I loved my 'day out' with you.
    Have not been to the New Forest for probably fifty years but cousins lived near there and I do remember seeing the ponies.
    Lat summer good wishes to you both.


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