Friday 8 August 2014

Hamble-de-Rice, Hampshire

Hamble-de-Rice - the local village when cat sitting recently
(see previous post)

We will now walk down to the river

The Victory Pub

The King & Queen Pub

The Bugle Pub

Plenty of pubs in such a short walk down and add to those tearooms and coffee shops one could not go hungry nor thirsty

We will just go and sit and watch the world, boats go by

and walk past a few of the houses on the front

Quite nice for an afternoon stroll
down by the river
that leads into the sea on The Solent
opposite to Cowes on the Isle of Wight


  1. How I would love to visit one of the tea rooms there and go for a walk through the area.
    What an absolutely lovely village.
    Beautiful Barbara.

  2. What a sweet village! I always going along with you on your outings.

  3. A couple of those pictures could almost be Southern California, with the short palm trees and the modern architecture. I'm wondering how one pronounces the name of this village . . . and such an unusual name it is too. I guess it's "Hamble" I wonder about. Does it rhyme with "amble" or "humble" or ??

  4. A very picturesque town. Looks like a lovely place to walk and watch the boats go by.

  5. Barbara, what a lovely place for you to be staying. I bet you really enjoyed your time there and looks like the weather was good as well.

  6. What a charming village.
    My cousins lived there in the 1950's so I dimly remember it. Uncle David was wild about all sorts of boats - obviously an excellent choice of place to live!

  7. Nice pubs they are, and I wish I could go there!

  8. Such calming views of boats and water...lovely!

  9. What is it about towns by the water that inspire such lovely colour schemes on the homes and businesses! What a lovely place.

  10. Such a charming village to wander through. Sitting and watching the boats is a favorite pastime of ours.

  11. You took us on a delightful walk through the village.

    Thank you :-)


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