Tuesday 17 June 2014

Cerne Abbas, Dorset

Let's get back to this post where we are wandering around the village of Cerne Abbas. Another delightful place.

The village stocks from time gone by

The village is surrounded by hilly terrain as you can see here

The Giant Inn which gets it's name from the next photo

The limestone giant on the hillside - hard to show how large this is

The New Inn

leading out to the garden 

Coffee time

This is where we had our lunch - The Royal Oak, the outside belying the interesting interior

Built in 1540 from the remains of the Abbey
It was originally a Coaching Inn and Blacksmiths 

Mind he steps and your head

One of the locals reading his newspaper 

I love the mirrored fireplace reflecting the pots

The original door

where we sat and ate Sausage and Mash in a large Yorkshire Pudding with onion gravy for Alan and Lasagne, salad and garlic bread for me

We are now walking around the edge of the village before driving back to our cottage as this was our third visit of the day 

Well I am certainly having a nightmare of a time with Google/Blogger
Have spent almost all of 2 days trying to access my blog since Google stopped allowing use of any address other than Gmail.
I was so frustrated in the end that I was almost in tears.
I followed every link, every instruction dozens of times and got nowhere.
Could be because I received the warning E-mail from my server when we were in the middle of the decorating so took little notice of it. I followed their instructions on change over day!
Eventually a friend of mine who knows nothing about blogger but is good at 'playing around with computers' managed to gain access. Not ideal as I am having to access by a lengthy and roundabout way.
I find it very irritating that neither Google or Blogger can be 
E-mailed or telephoned.


  1. I am glad your friend was able to sort things out for you :-)

    The village looks wonderful, thank you for taking me on the virtual journey.

  2. Another charming village. I'm so glad stocks are no longer a form of punishment. The black, curved original door must hold memories of thousands of people coming and going. So glad you take us along on your outings. I hope the blogger frustrations will soon end.

  3. I hope those changes on blogger don't come my way. It would be very disgruntling to say the least. Glad you got it figured out. Your trip was another beautiful one. As always I'm appreciative of your sharing places I'd never see otherwise.

  4. So glad you are back to blogging. Hope there is an easier approach to find.
    This is a picturesque village. That is one sturdy door... buildings from the 1500s... amazing. Thanks so much for sharing, Barbara. Love your blog.

  5. Thank you for this post. I have a lot of affection for Dorset because my Grandfather lived there & we used to visit when I was a child. I enjoy all your posts because I am English, living in the US & miss England. Thank you.

  6. Google did that to me a year ago and I ended up with two email addresses. The one with gmail is SO long. Hope you are all sorted out now. Lovely village and sausage and mash with Yorkshire pudding sounds right up my alley!

  7. I wonder of they are going to let that vine continue to cover the entire building at the Royal Oak? Seems like it might damage the roof and cause leaks. But it does look like they make a delicious lunch!

  8. (Hmmm...now I'll wait for the other shoe to drop. I don't like gmail and dropped my account some time ago. Slower than cold molasses running uphill in January it was. Glad that you have a friend who knows what she's doing.)

    Every picture is so interesting. I enjoy enlarging to see the details. I enjoyed seeing the sheep on the hills above the town. Very cool.

  9. Lovely post! Glad you got it sorted out. I have not had this happen yet (the problems) but I probably will, as I use a Hotmail address for this. I had a lot of trouble, when I re-started my blog this spring. Finally someone told me that I had to use 'chrome' which I didn't even know there was a 'chrome'. Glad it's working for you now though.

  10. Another post which makes me wish I could visit England. The villages are so quaint and beautiful! I feel sorry for commentor Andrea, it must be difficult to have been a part of the beauty of England but now be away from it.

  11. I do not often comment but I am a regular reader of your posts and love to follow your journeys and read the interesting stories. (by the way my knowledge of English will also be trained...)

  12. Barbara, as usual this post was fascinating. There are so many beautiful village's American's
    never see.
    England should thank you,
    for teaching us the real England.
    Like that term"Mind your step."
    I used to have a collection of
    those antique horse bridal clips.
    Thank you again for a wonderful trip.


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