Monday 23 December 2013

A Hotch Potch Before Christmas

Bits and pieces before Christmas
The weather is wild outside - torrential rain all day with winds up to 70 miles an hour. Bridges closed, rail networks affected, some flights cancelled and lower speed restrictions on roads and more to come
Not good for all the thousands trying to get home for Christmas
So grateful I don't have to travel 

As a contrast a beautiful afternoon sky early last week

and misty sunrise

As Trustees of Pilgrims Hall we had a great evening treating the resident team to a great meal followed by games and an old fashioned sing-along
All they had to do was come and enjoy it while we did everything
including setting the dining room up for 'tearoom' visitors the next day

A better picture of tree than last post
I think I messed the settings up by touching something and not realising it

I must tell you that this is in my opinion the best Salted Caramel Sauce ever. I ate it all from the jar with a spoon - one spoonful every day. Even better than Belgium chocolate!
I must not buy any more for a while!

And then there was our church celebration last night
beginning with worship, lots to eat, Santa and finishing with carols

Well the last post before Christmas
and the first post since we celebrated our
 54th wedding anniversary last week
Can't believe it but it is true!
Happy  Christmas everyone


  1. A Happy and Blessed Christmas to you and yours, Barbara.

  2. Merry Christmas, Barbara, to you and all your loved ones!! Your Christmas tree looks lovely! It looks like you had a special evening of worship and holiday celebration.

    I look forward to seeing you online in the new year, if not before.

    Warm Hugs,


  3. Happy Anniversary Barbara, and Alan! What a wonderful time of the year to celebrate your wedding. I am enjoying worship and other gatherings with family and friends, too. Today although it poured rain here too [sans the 70mph winds!] I gathered with some local blogging friends to exchange little things we had made for each other...a precious time and especially so when one of our group asked to pray for us and thank the Lord for our food and our time of fellowship. Christmas blessings to you and yours, now and always xx

  4. Happy Christmas! May it be a time of relaxation and peace for you.

  5. A very Merry Christmas to you and congratulations on your anniversary!

  6. Wishing you and your family a very happy Christmas.

  7. Merry Christmas Barbara and Alan and Happy Anniversary, too.

  8. Sorry about the rotten weather. I always would prefer perfect Christmas weather for everyone whatever that means. To me, it means gently falling snow. Ha!

    Your tree looks wonderful, your friends look friendly, the caramel sauce certainly must have been delicious. One spoon a day? Such terrific restraint!

    Love to you, Barbara, and many Christmas blessings.

  9. Hi Barbara, hope the weather calms down. Belated congratulations to your 54th wedding anniversary! That is wonderful! Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas!

  10. Happy Christmas and Happy Wedding Anniversary too.
    Wishing you both a most wonderful 2014!

  11. Hope you have a merry Christ mas!

  12. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

  13. Sorry I am late, computer problems. Merry Christmas, we have been so busy. Wishing you a wonderful and Happy New year yvonne

  14. First off ....happy belated anniversary! That is awesome.

    The festivities all look like they were greatly enjoyed by all ages.

    Salted caramel??? Oh my, but that sounds yummy. You were good to restrict it to one spoonful a day.

  15. Barbara, Happy Anniversary, and many more. We are winding down on the Blizzard and now getting ready for next weeks new storm, what a winter. I am getting confused on all this chat and new stuff, there is no place to comment. Sticking to Blogs. Happy New Year and stay warm. yvonne


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