Saturday 9 November 2013

The Royal Pavilion, Brighton

Brighton Pavilion  is an extraordinary and extravagant pleasure palace.Built for the Prince Regent, later King George IV, in stages between 1787 and 1823, the Royal Pavilion is remarkable for its exotic oriental appearance both inside and out. This magnificent royal pleasure palace was revered by fashionable Regency society and is still a distinctive landmark for vibrant Brighton & Hove today. The Royal Pavilion is also home to some of the finest collections and examples of the trichinoses style in Britain.

It is certainly an interesting place to visit (no photos allowed) but not a place to bring me delight but a sense of the madness that can prevail when one's purpose in life is to be wildly extravagant.
To understand how this came about I would suggest using the link at the top of the page where the history of the place and the owner George IV is well documented.

Just one picture that I got off the internet
A Chinese dragon holding up the chandelier over the dining table  

The palace is right in the centre of town and we are about to enter through the back gate
I could have got a great picture of the front of the palace from the main road but somehow forgot as we made our way out of the park at the back to continue our stroll around Brighton

The Palace is still owned by The Crown
Birthday week now over
Alan's birthday is just 4 days after mine so having now reached the grand age of 82 - Happy Birthday Alan

The only photograph I took of Alan in Brighton
and he wasn't looking at the camera

and to finish my son is on a trip through Thailand, Laos and Cambodia and I heard today that the worst storm ever that hit The Philippines is set on a course towards Vietnam passing over part of Laos and Cambodia early next week. I am so grateful that he is not near the coast.  


  1. I have enjoyed seeing all your photos of Brighton. Happy belated birthday to both you and Alan. Hoping your son is safe while travelling and out of the way of that huge storm.

  2. It really is one of those places you wander around saying, WOW! Appalling extravagance really, but quite something to see all the same.

  3. I wish that I had had time to see it, but maybe the next time we go.

  4. Barbara, Thank you so much. This is spectacular, it's beautiful.
    Imagine the cost to build it.
    I gather if the crown owns it, you can't go inside.
    As they say, "Money
    begets money".

  5. Wishing you both a Happy Birthday.
    Alan looks great, like a kid..

  6. I have enjoyed seeing your pictures of the Royal Pavilion and its lovely grounds. Another beautiful spot in Brighton.
    The second paragraph in your write up made me pause and think.

    Alan is looking great at 82. You both look wonderful!
    Safe travels for your son.
    Thank you from Audrey.

  7. Lovely post. Alan looks very young:) and you too;). God bless.

  8. Amazing place. I never knew about it or heard of it! Trusting your son will be safe. Happy Birthday to both of you!

  9. Despite Alan looking a lot younger than his age he must have really been baby snatching! Many Happy Returns - belatedly.
    The Royal Pavilion is one of the very few major sites in England that I haven't visited so thanks for the tour.

  10. Thank you for your virtual tour around Brighton, it has brought back happy memories for me.

    I never did get to go inside the Royal Pavillion, but I enjoyed exploring around outside.

  11. Hope that all is well with your son. What a terrible storm and to have him be any where near it must have been a nightmare. I really like the photo of Alan. He looks as if he is savoring his beverage and it does look good!

  12. Happy belated birthday to Alan! That is an amazing looking place. It looks so out of place in the UK, but the architecture is incredible.


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