Friday 11 October 2013

Autumn Roses and an exciting Venture

Blue skies make everything look different

The above photographs taken at the beginning of the week

and this is how the garden looks today (Friday)

A drop in temperature from Tuesday 68f to 41f this coming weekend and looking outside we have gales and torrential rain

Sunday will see us down on the South Coast in Brighton for a couple of nights.
Going primarily to see the premier of a great new musical called
written and produced by one of our local worship leaders who we know, and starring lead singers from West End shows like Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera and Chess who are all committed Christians sold out to sharing the gospel in this medium
It is the story of God's love and salvation from Genesis to Revelation
The vision is to take it around the country and to the West End
From all the promotional clips I have seen I had better be stocked up on tissues
Our hotel is right on the seafront and it is going to be cold and windy but dry so some good walks anticipated

On the home front this is what is left of the large central shrub area in the garden. All grassed over and getting the ground prepared for the new roses late November
a lot less work for the future

After a Summer holiday, day trips, weekends away, conferences and Grand children I am quite looking forward to getting back to some routine after this weekend
Having said that it may not be until after our school Autumn Fair  next weekend
One of the tasks I have been given is to make a Scarecrow!


  1. Incredible beautiful autumn roses!
    I hope the weather is not too unkind and you may enjoy great beach walks without heavy winds and some sunshine, too.

  2. It sounds like the temperatures have taken a drop there. The new rose bed will be wonderful.

    You will have to do a review on Love Beyond for us. I know you will enjoy Brighton and the walks too.

    Do you think life will really get back to a more normal routine? I keep saying the same thing, but it never seems to happen. Maybe this IS our new normal.

  3. Your roses are looking good. I am surprised by how many plants are still blooming in the garden, and how little autumn colour there is.

  4. Just love your roses, and soon to be more. I don't think you can ever have to many.

  5. I have roses still blooming here too. I only have one large bush but it has delighted me all summer long. Hope you do have a dry weekend. Sounds like it will be worth going for.

  6. Your roses are beautiful. Mine are always so spindly. I think they need a more sunny garden than I can provide in my tree and building crowded spot.

  7. Your roses are sumptuous! Soooo pretty. (Then there are orchids, too!)
    Thanks for sharing.

  8. Your roses are a joy to behold. They certainly are beautiful against that wonderful blue sky. Enjoy your weekend, don't forget your tissues! May it be grand and inspiring. Blessings to you and Alan.

  9. What a lovely view through the window!

  10. How interesting! I have just decided to make a scarecrow with my grandchildren! I'm going to take them to second hand stores to shop for the clothing and we will assemble him when they come home in December! I'll be anxious to see a picture of the one you make!

  11. Beautiful roses and busy Barbara! Hope you have fun creating your scarecrow :)

  12. Autumn roses and blue skies are even more beautiful when you know that the weather is likely to change at any moment. I hope you enjoy your weekend away, and the musical production.

  13. Your roses are beautiful - as always! Enjoy your time away and the musical. I can't wait to hear about it when you return.

  14. Your roses are beautiful. It is gettting cooler here also.

  15. So funny reading your post...will our lives ever slow down. Hey that musical sound amazing, I will go check it out. You better give us some good pic's on the scarecrow doings...hehe. I am a little tickled I must admit cause we are going to my sis's for Thanksgiving and that gives me almost a month with some routine perhaps and down time. My weekend house guests just left and I have been either entertaining or going somewhere myself for months now. Oh yeah they will be back in two weekends, because my friend will be speaking to our women's group at church. Life is good though! I love that you are planting more roses! Now am I getting this straight that they will be less work? For me roses are pretty easy because of our dry climate.

  16. Oh I am intrigued by this musical theater. I hope that you have had a lovely time and that it will be a very successful tool. Your roses are such beauties and I know that they will bloom for weeks before truly cold weather stalls them. (I am so surprised that my little rose bushes are blooming still in October.)

  17. You are amazing. Heck, I look like a scarecrow this week. I had 10 rotten trees cut. The man called them widow makers. One fell and hit me on the shoulder. 3 were already on the ground. Well a man from town hall came by and said I have to plant 12 5ft trees. Damned if I can do that by Nov 4th. I pay his wages. The trees were dead and rotten. Do they do that in England? yvonne

  18. Your roses look wonderful. I have to grow mine in a wire cage so the possums dont eat them, not the same as having them open in the garden but they are such a lovely flower I love to grow them.

  19. How lovely are your fall roses! Even your new yellow ones are looking well and settled in.


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