Friday 26 July 2013


Hard to believe that my Grandson  Oliver is 7 years old today

Here he is seen arriving at Legoland where he is going to spend his birthday (photo thanks to facebook)

Last Sunday I was able to join in the fun at his birthday party
a joint party between Oliver (on the right) and his friend Max.
Nineteen children enjoyed a professional entertainer (who was very good) and a disco
Oliver will be coming to stay with us next week and wants time with Grandma and Granddad alone as it will be the last school holiday before Bekah starts school
He will be coming again after his family holiday at the end of August

Little Miss Rebekah, now aged 4, was up on the stage trying to organise the entertainer as soon as he arrived

I do love these latest roses we have planted and have decided to reorganise the centre of my garden by digging out the shrubs and planting a new rose garden this Autumn
How many times have I said, "This is it - no more changes"
Well I guess that is the thing about gardening!

Have to say that I loved this sunset last week too
Glad to say that it has cooled down a little after a three week heatwave
with temperatures in the 90's last week I have to say it was too much
Only 79f today but forecast to be 88f again middle of next week 


  1. Love your roses, and your grands are soooooo cute!

  2. Happy Birthday dear Oliver...Both of your grands are adorable...don't tell OLiver, maybe he doesn't want to be adorable :)

    Those roses are so beautiful. We gardeners are always changing long as we can do the work. I'll be interested in how you change things.
    Have a lovely weekend coming up.

  3. He is adorable!!! So is your granddaughter. And, the roses are beautiful!!!!

  4. Hey Barbara, no need to ask how are you, I can tell you are fine, and one proud grandma,too, and you have every right to be. Oliver is looking more like you as he gets older. I know you are looking forward to his visit. Our grandson is camping this weekend in Ohio. Seems like only yesterday he was Oliver's age. He will be starting his second year of High School this year. Have a Blessed week, Trisha

  5. So glad you are having Grand time, Barbara :) My 5yr old granddaughter just came in to deliver something that had been found for which I enthusiastically thanked her. She ran from the room celebrating saying, "It was lost, but we found it. Praise the Lord!" :)
    I just fed my roses again, but their lackluster production may be trying to tell me that they need to be moved. Your roses are a joy to see, though! Thanks for posting!
    Gracie xx

  6. How can he be 7 already? It will be nice to have him on his own.

    Those roses are gorgeous. They must have liked the heat!

  7. I hope Oliver enjoyed his birthday. A day at Legoland must have been fun.
    Your roses are looking great. I love that shade of pink.

  8. He is growing up so fast. Loved seeing your gorgeous roses and the sunset. There is so much beauty all around us but our grandkids are the most beautiful!

  9. My how your grandchildren have grown over the summer! And your roses too! They are all beautiful!

  10. Happy Birthday Oliver, looks like he had a wonderful birthday. Lovely to see all the photos. Thanks for stopping by, I've enjoyed my return visit.

  11. Seven and Four . . . what beautiful children they are. Oliver certainly had a big celebration, and looks like he enjoyed himself too. I'm glad.

    Myself, I'd prefer tea on the lawn!

  12. Doesn't seem all that long ago that you were announcing the arrival of Bekah! And here are the children at seven and four. Too fast.

    Those summer roses have sure thrived in your hot temps. They look glorious and abundant.

  13. Happy Birthday, Oliver.

    And now we have thunderstorms and heavy rain but, at least, as you say, it has gone a bit cooler.

  14. Looks as if Oliver enjoyed a wonderful birthday. I got a kick out of his wanting a visit all to himself. Special times!

    Gorgeous sunset...we've not seen any so beautiful.

  15. Happy Birthday, Oliver! It looks like you had a wonderful day.

    Barbara, that sunset is spectacular!
    Glad to hear that temperatures are more bearable right now, let's hope for many more beautiful summer months, though.



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