Sunday 26 May 2013

My Garden in 2004

I came across some garden photos from 2004 this week which give a very different view to how my garden looks today
I used to grow a lot of flowers but in recent years have reverted to less beds and only shrubs and roses
Quality of photos not so good as they have been scanned and from the days when my camera did not have as many pixels as now

Yes the potted lilies are taller than me

My local park is full of Cow Parsley and May Blossom this week
a taste of late Spring


  1. I long for my garden to look like that!

  2. It certainly waslovely and still is!

  3. Your garden was a show stopper, Barbara. I love all of the color.

  4. Gorgeous beds of flowers, but like anything, gardens change as we do. Enjoy your week, Barbara.

  5. Your garden is just beautiful. I can only imagine the work that would be involved in having so many beautiful blooms in one spot. I think the pictures turned out quite well.

  6. So many colors and different plants. Your garden is gorgeous! What an amazing lily in the pot. I have cosmos that grow that tall... good genes? What makes some grow so tall?
    Thanks for sharing. Most of our beautiful spring flowers are gone already, and the roses - for the most - won't bloom again until the fall.

  7. Aboslutely breathtakingly gorgeous!!!! And yellow favorite! I can hardly get the yellow ones to grow! Plus you made me jealous with cow parsely! I was admiring our roadsides full of it just two days ago! Like you, I have worked to let my garden evolve into more bushes and "cover" type of items and less flowers. I can hardly keep up with it anymore. We were in England during May a few years ago and I was overwhelmed by the hedgerows with beautiful white flowers! Cow parsely was one, I beleive! I loved, loved, loved this post!

  8. Oh it has changed in the past decade. It must be more easy to maintain now.

  9. How beautiful Barbara, but I like it now too. Isn't it interesting how many styles one can arrange one's garden in. Nice for the creative types who like to change things now and then.

  10. Oh, so much to look at -- I wish I could've seen it in person. I have a friend who'd love to have a thriving cottage garden filled to the brim with blooms. Except that she has neither the energy or time to maintain it.


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