Saturday 20 April 2013

News from the Home Front this Week

Some bits and pieces for the weekend

Glad to say that Spring seems to have finally arrived this week
A couple of weeks ago this was the scene on a route I use regularly.
The hedge was like fairyland where drivers had been driving fast along a flooded road and the resulting splashing was freezing
The day previous to this photograph the ice was about 10ft tall and reminded me of Narnia

My favourite new toy 
I am  just loving all the things I can do with it though my main reason for buying it was to be able to have documents to hand for meetings and E-mails
I have to confess that because of the easy access, Facebook has become more addictive

Then there is my new electric recliner chair
Bought this as I have struggled with Sciatica for 6 months and it was becoming increasingly difficult to relax in the evenings on the sofas. This gives great support just where it is needed.
My Grandchildren think it's great for a 'ride'.

Last week we had Oliver and Rebekah stay for the last week of the Easter holiday and managed to take them out every day
Here they are feeding the deer with carrots at a local park on the only dry day we had
Other days we were wandering around farms, adventure playgrounds and parks in damp, cold and drizzle
at least it was dry in the play barn
The photo above brings back memories of photographing my own children in the same place doing the same thing

Close the lid they said when climbing into the boot in the car park

At the end of the week Rebekah celebrated her fourth birthday
 The actual day (Monday) she spent at Peppa Pig World, deciding she preferred this to a party. Staying the night in a hotel she got to go twice

 Sunday we were privileged to have 11 hours of Sunday church at Pilgrims Hall. A great time of encouraging each other, serving each other, praying for each other, praise and worship, breaking of bread, eating together and enjoying the presence of God
Here are just a few of us enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.
We rounded off the day by going to a restaurant for a nice meal together

Must show you this picture of daughter Jane with Oliver and Rebekah at her sister-in-law's wedding

Bekah just loved being a flower girl

A few birthday cards I managed to fit in by doing the simple thing of using my photographs, including Peppa Pig of course.

Life has been pretty busy and hectic and I am aware that I have not visited and commented as much as I would like to but hopefully will rectify that soon
Hope everyone has a good weekend


  1. So much happiness and joy. Friends and family. It doesn't get any better.

  2. Several weeks ago I was at a meeting at church and had to laugh when I looked around and noted the various pieces of technology we had hauled in on which to take notes as well as read Scripture :-) I have been trying to journal on my iPad while reading Scripture and downloaded a new app this morning [pages] that seems to work well. So glad you had good time with your family over the holiday. xx, Gracie

  3. Wow, you are so busy and Blessed. What beautiful pictures!!!!!

  4. That chair looks so comfortable.
    Your grand children are so cute. That little Bekah is so sweet in her little dress.
    You do a wonderful job with your cards. You must enjoy making them. Once in a while, I make a few cards with a watercolor on them. I must do more of those...they take little time and are fun to do.
    Have a nice weekend.

  5. Fun to see just the everyday happenings, which are quite a lot! Praying that the recliner gives you just the relief you need from the dreadful sciatica. The grands are so cute and Bekah makes the most darling flower girl.

  6. Bekka is just beautiful! Grandchildren are just so special.

  7. That one of Rebekah with the flowers is just perfect! And she her mum and Oliver look so smart for the wedding.

    That photo of the roadside at the start of your post is amazing, Barbara. I just kept staring at it (enlarged) and it's so spectacular.

  8. Glad you got a few nice days to enjoy. The weather here has brought more rain and cold than sunshine for sure. The picture of your daughter and children is a beautiful one. Hopefully we'll both have warmer days ahead.

  9. Barbara, That Becka is so cute you could hug her half to death. Infact it's a great looking crowd.
    Relax and enjoy the recliner.
    I can hardly handle Blogger,
    you are brave to do facebook.
    Still to cold in Maine, the sun is out and it ranges from 27-53.
    We had a few days in the 60's, I planted bulbs and did weeding.
    It cost a small fortune to pay for hands and knee gardening.
    Be well, yvonne

  10. Loved your post Barbara! Family and church family is so important.

  11. We just got our new I pad and having much fun talking face to face with it.
    We are in full spring with rose buds and Iris about to bloom. Days are warm and nights are cool.

  12. Some weeks it's nice to be home and enjoy the small things. Lovely photo of Rebekah as a flower girl :)

  13. What a lovely catch-up post, full of tidbits about what's been happening in your world. Your daughter and her children are beautiful. Bekah is so grown up and makes a sweet flower girl.

  14. I can visualize you sitting in your new chair - relaxing with your new toy! I loved seeing Oliver and Rebekah and their doings. They are precious children!

  15. Always fun to pop in and catch up with you Barb.

    Blessings...happy Tuesday!

  16. Happy Spring! That chair is a master work of modern life no doubt about that. I am glad you have something to provide you needed comfort.

    :-) Lorraine

  17. Your picture of the splashed water turning into ice is just amazing! And Rebekah is darling. You have a lovely family.

  18. beautiful pictures and great moments!
    wish you a sunny week full of inspiration!


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