Monday 8 April 2013

Beth Chatto's Garden Pt. 4

Here we are, finishing our meander around Beth's garden
Do see the last 3 posts if you have not done so

An insect Hotel
found in many gardens these days

and out to the nurseries 

This is not a garden centre but a nursery where they grow their own plants

and sell them

then back into the formal garden through the woodland

There are 4 ponds throughout this garden of differing sizes and plantings
I do hope you have enjoyed visiting with me
I am sure you can see why I took over 100 photos
We stopped here for lunch
before visiting another garden in the vicinity -
not as outstanding as Beth's which has been a 60 year project
but interesting all the same and the subject of another post


  1. What a beautiful place to wander through, with so many different areas of colour and design.
    I haven't seen an insect hotel like that, it's very 5 star!

  2. My goodness, what beautiful gardens. I would have to garden full-time to have anything quite so lovely. Thanks for showing these to us!

  3. Hello Barbara, yes, it has been fun walking with you through Beth's amazing garden. This time I saw some plants familiar to us here in Southern California, such as those purple and white agapanthas (lilies of the Nile) in the nurseries section. I really like that insect hotel too; all the shapes and patterns crammed it it are very pleasing to the eye.

  4. Hi Barbara,

    This is indeed an amazing garden, and I've enjoyed the four-part tour. Beth has created a beautiful oasis with these gardens, and I like that they grow their own plants and flowers to sell. I especially like the picture of the Lace Cap Hydrangea; those are one of my very favorite shrubs, but folks don't always have good luck with them in our area.

    Thanks for sharing and have a good week!


  5. I could spend hours in a place like that. Finally our weather has warmed up some and the last 2 days I was able to do a little gardening. Mostly raking leaves out of the flower beds. Now for the fun part...watching it grow!

  6. Now what we want to know is, did you buy some plants at that "for sale" section? There were some really pretty flowers...

  7. The Insect Hotel is very intriguing to me. Is that really what it's called or are you being droll? Ha! I'm never quite sure.

    This has been a wonderful garden tour and I can certainly see why you'd take so many photos.

  8. Beautiful, Barbara. Don't think I've seen so many different kinds of plants in one garden. Sure is pretty. Blessings, Trisha

  9. I am truly drooling while I look at these photos and I'm planning my next garden visit!

  10. This is a beautiful garden, full of so many interesting things. I'm glad you broke the visit up into all these posts to allow us to enjoy the visit even more.

  11. marvelous photo's. I would buy a few things there. I love the Yarrow,chives etc.
    Can't stand up straight, we had one day at 60 degrees and sunny , I planted bulbs and weeded most the day and Boy! am I paying for it today.
    Can't wait till SPRING.

  12. From your photos it looks like a wonderful place to visit :-)

  13. Amazing photos and I can believe you were in heaven there!

  14. I know the maintainance and planting of these gardens are monumental tasks, but they are such a welcomed sight for the eyes and mind. Her love and passion for the hobby show through the beauty. The insect house is so interesting. It looks like an art sculpture. Do you have one in your garden????


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