Saturday 5 January 2013

St. Edmundsbury Abbey & Gardens,Suffolk

Well it is back to July and we are still in Lavenham and visiting a local Market town, Bury St. Edmunds
It is the day that I dropped and smashed my camera so we arrived here later than planned as we went to buy a new camera first
How can a blogger ever be without a camera!!!

We park in the market place and here we see the Athenaeum
a Georgian chandelier ed ballroom

and here the  Ivy-clad Angel Hotel

The market here dates back to the time of
William the Conquerer

First we visit the Abbey gardens and ruins of what were once among the richest Benedictine monasteries in England 

entering through the Abbey gate which was re-built in the 14th century. It was originally destroyed by local people who were angry at the power of the Monastery
note the original Portcullis

looking back

We walk through some beautiful gardens

Will be visiting the cathedral in the background in next post

before strolling around the ruins

the original Abbey and monastery

the well

and on our way out towards the cathedral


  1. I am always sad to see the destruction of beautiful buildings, however long ago it was. It is wonderful that we have so many well preserved remains.

  2. Oh I love all the pictures and very interesting to see how the Abbey and monastery once looked.

  3. During the holidays I missed reading some of your posts and just had the pleasure of catching up. Thanks for posting all the amazing photos of sights you and Peter have seen this year! The 3 generations photo and family Boxing Day gift opening are all looked just fine without any preening in my opinion :)
    Your New Year Celebration sounded wonderful, and I look forward to visiting your blog to share a happy 2013 with you as well! xx from Gracie

  4. I just love these windows into the life and society of Britain's past. Thanks for sharing your journeys.

  5. Oh my...what spectacular gardens!! The colors are just glorious and it was a delightful visit with you.

  6. I love that you live surrounded by so much history! I'm going to look up this abbey and read more about it. Thanks!

  7. Once again I'm thanking you for those wonderful pictures of the flowers. The flower boxes were especially attractive to see. Everything is white with snow and frozen here.

  8. I so enjoy your photos and historical tour dialogue! I have been on 3 tours of the UK but there is never enough time to "see it all". My dream is to be able to spend a year "over there" and see everything I dream of...if only.

  9. Brings back memories of our trip. Thank you for sharing your pictures.

  10. It looks like a wonderful place to visit and I am looking forward to the Cathedral.

  11. Are you dreaming of warmer days, Barbara? It was lovely to see all the green grass and pretty flowers. I really like that portcullis too, quite amazing. The view looking right through it is my favorite.

  12. Those pink flowers really make quite a splash against the ivy. I'm sorry about your camera, but glad to know you were able to get a replacement! Gardens are lovely, indeed, especially with the cathedral behind them.

  13. what a fasinating post. Just the way the buildings were built looks like the ruins in greece.
    England is so beautiful.
    I'd stay in that gorgeous Hotel.
    Well wishing you and family a great 2013. My Daughter Renee and I got so excited Sunday night waiting till 9PM for the TV
    show Downton Abby. It is the #1
    show in the states. You would think they had enough pull to get the 7:30 or 8PM time slot. I guess it is 4 hours later in California.
    Do you watch it. We love it.


  14. Our market town! Love Bury. Best donor kebabs from a little shop just along from the gates. We liked to grab one and eat in the garden. There was a nice tea room in the gardens, too. Hope it is still there. Bury has great shops as well as a large library with lots of local history books and resources. Did you know that one of the drafts of the Magna Carta was written in the here?

  15. Wow! Such beauty and history. Thanks Barbara for sharing it with us. Blessings.

  16. Great photos, very interesting. If those old abbey walls could talk!


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