Sunday 20 January 2013

No Explanation!

Now let's go for a wander around the garden

Snow on ice on the pond

It has snowed all day and
Lots more snow to come


  1. Oh my!
    We have had a beautifully sunny day here, but with a real chill in the air tonight.

  2. Oh it does look lovely, though I'm not sure how you feel about snow. I do remember some great sledding parties in the neighborhood. Perhaps this snow will give more opportunities for fun!

  3. You have the loveliest view from your kitchen window.


  4. How lovely the garden looks with it's Winter clothes on!

  5. Very pretty :-)

    It has snowed all day here too, but it hasn't settled much apart from the oak tree at the back of my house. Sadly it is to dark to take a decent photo of it. I will have to get up early tomorrow in the hopes that the snow is still clinging to the branches.

  6. Is it normal for you to get so much snow?

  7. Snow adds such a magical touch to the garden. Yours looks just beautiful.

  8. Brrrrrrrrrr! It almost looks like you shot these photos in black-and-white! Should I tell you that it was nearly 80F today? No? Okay.

  9. I love the way snow lightens and brightens the landscape. Stay cozy.

  10. Lovely snowy pictures. My feelings about snow are that first of all..its beautiful, but later on it can be a nuisance. We do, however, need some moisture here for our gardens. After last year's snowless winter...we are asking for some this year.Enjoy the beauty.

  11. It is beautiful, but I am so glad we missed it. We had a BBQ yesterday with our 82* weather ;-)

  12. I especially like the first one with the sharp contrast between the white & red. Depicts the blood washing us white as snow to me. Would you object if I "saved" this in my pictures to use at a later date?

  13. Beautiful, Barbara, enjoy it. I suspect you are not used to that much snow. This is so typical for my area of the US. We've had less this year, but today we have snow, very cold temperatures, high winds, and yet it is sunny!

  14. I have to say that I really enjoy the winter scenery. Love how the snow looks on trees and bushes etc. Your photos are stunning,
    thanks for sharing.

  15. Wonderful photographs of your winter garden! I think that's why it's great to live where you have snow at least part of the time in winter--to make our dead gardens come alive with beautiful shapes and "color", even if it's just white!

  16. Snow falls so quietly and covers our world with beauty. Peaceful and pure like our Saviours love. In the winter, your garden takes on a grace all it's own. God Bless you for sharing it with us.

  17. It looks very pretty Barbara. You seem to have more snow than we do.

    Ours is quite slushy too, not very nice once it has been walked on.

    Keep warm.

  18. The snow is beautiful and it completely changes everything it touches! Thank you for sharing the snow with us.


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