Tuesday 1 January 2013

Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

Finally got some of son Peter's Kilimanjaro photos onto my computer
Having finished their safari the group had to leave their heavy cameras at the lodge and only allowed to carry a small digital as the slightest extra weight at the top makes a difference
Also on the final stages putting one foot in front of the other
was all they were thinking about 
copied just a few of them here

Strict rules on the climb

The group
Peter 4th in from the right in pale blue shirt
He was one of only 6 who made it to the summit

On their way and looking down over The Serengeti

Six days to the summit so six sleeps

 The Volcano in sight but still a long way to go

The two peaks appearing over the rim

The clouds rolling in

Sunset over the peaks

and sunrise on the way up

Only 6 were well and fit enough to go on from here

the remains of a plane crash

over the ice
Peter said that it was only when flying back to Nairobi that he had any sense of the height reached

They made it - over 19,000 feet

Time only for a quick photograph before a long descent to base camp - a walk of 15 hours that day
Can't stay at that altitude for long

and the Porters who looked after them on the climb

Yes I am proud of his achievement
After this the group flew off to Zanzibar to have a good rest
in a luxury hotel


  1. What an exciting trip that must of been. Very few ever get a chance to do something like that. I know even in my younger days I would have never have been fit enough to do something like that. Zanzibar sounds very mystic and enchanting. Happy New Year to you and yours. May 2013 bring us only good things!

  2. Such an amazing accomplishment for Peter.

  3. Interesting! I've seen Mt. Kenya, but only from below and my family drove to the top of Pike's Peak. That was enough elevation for me. Sounds like a real accomplishment to climb Kilimanjaro.

  4. Congratulations to Peter for that amazing climb. It must be wonderful to accomplish something like that.

  5. Very interesting. What an achievement!

  6. What an amazing experience for Peter. Great photos.

    When we lived in Ecuador, our son belonged to a climbing group, and made several climbs up to and over 20,000 feet. Putting one foot in front of each other, very slowly, is how he described being up at that altitude, too.

  7. WOW! That is some challenge, and he made it. You must have flipped when you saw these photos. He will be glad he did it when he is old and can't do anything like that.
    So wishing you Happiness and Good Health for 2013, and
    God Bless the Queen.


  8. Very interesting post Barbara! Loved the photos.

  9. Absolutely fantastic!!! You son looks quite a bit like his dear dad =)


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