Thursday 31 January 2013

Flowers and More Flowers

Having feasted our eyes on Gainsborough paintings we came across another feast for the eyes as we drove through Halstead. This small town not far from home had been awarded a prize for 
'Britain in Bloom'
I just had to park the car and get out my camera

Beautiful Summer flowers everywhere


  1. Beautiful! I am SO ready for Spring! Thank you for the spot of color on this dreary, gray Pacific Northwest day.

  2. Those flowers sure do make a difference. So nice to see those blooms on a cold winter day .

  3. Stunning! That town has the exact right idea. Wish all towns would plant lots of flowers like that. I really enjoyed the crown motif showing up in the hanging basket and the hens and chicks garden. Lovely photography, too, Barbara!

  4. Oh, Barbara; this town with its charming buildings and GORGEOUS flowers really makes me want to re-visit England. Maybe one day.

    I enjoyed this post -- have a great day.


  5. What beautiful pictures of flowers. Spring really is coming soon, isn't it? Thank you.

  6. Beautiful flowers Barbara, I can hardly wait for Spring. Blessings.

  7. While I have a few purple crocus bulbs blooming indoors at the moment, it is so lovely to see the splendid colors of your summer flowers on my computer screen! I am smiling at you in appreciation, Barbara :-) Somehow, I have missed your posts since Christmas and have just now caught up...grand cathedrals, grand art, grand climbing adventures, and Grand sledding!!! [I especially enjoyed that picture of you sledding.] Thanks for posting!!! xx from Gracie

  8. Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous! Such exuberant displays -- and especially striking against old stone or brick.

  9. Summer seems a long time ago now. Roll on Spring.

  10. Lifts the spirits during the dulls of winter. Thank you for the flowers!

  11. Wonderful! I can't wait for spring the the emergence of floral beauties :-)

  12. What a gorgeous visit to the land of summer. I wish for it but the fog and rain continue here on the Island. Thanks for the glimpse of what will (eventually!) come.

  13. Oh, beautiful shots of beautiful flowers on this gray February day....I cannot wait to plant my own again soon!

  14. There certainly are colorful blooms everywhere in Halstead. The local nursery businesses must be doing quite well too.


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