Monday 6 August 2012

Back From Holiday

An everyday post before posting some of the hundreds of photos I took while away. I need to organise them into bite size chunks.
The rest of the photos from our June trip will have to wait till later.

The first thing I do when I come back from holiday is have a wander around the garden to see what needs dead heading.

My whimsy corner is making some progress. I put up some USA number plates given to me when I was staying in Texas in the early 90's

and then I bought a dragonfly and a butterfly while away and some peacock feathers.

Plus a 'stone owl' and a 'frog' mounted on a stone
There is still a lot to do to get the slabs levelled on the left side but 'my corner' is on it's way
I have bought some great fabric to make some bunting when the fancy takes me (I am not a sewer)

For now the Grandchildren are here
Oliver staying for some of the school holiday and Bekah going home tonight but coming back to stay on Thursday
Here they are saying their goodbyes

and Bekah is sad because she cannot stay tonight

Until I get some photos sorted I will leave you with a few shots of plantings in the Olympic Park


  1. How colourful your garden is looking.

  2. Welcome home. Looks like you will be busy deadheading, but it looks lovely. I really like that little corner. sad that the children had to say goodbye to each other. Very sweet picture though!

    We have so enjoyed watching the sights around the Olympics.

  3. I love your whimsy corner!!

  4. The garden is beautiful and I'm enjoying seeing where the whimsy garden will take you.

    The grands are such beautiful children. It looks as if they really like one another. Soon it'll be Bekah's turn and things will come around.

    I'm sure that you're enjoying the Olympics. We watched diving tonight and the Bike Sprint where Great Britain won gold...Kenny, I believe.

  5. Lovely glad you enjoyed your travels and took lots of pictures to share with us :)

    Also glad you are having Grand Time to enjoy!

    It is wonderfully hot here, and we are busy giving our flowers water to drink.


  6. Welcome back to your garden. I know the feeling about trying to sort the hundreds of holiday photos. I hope you can find some time for it.

    I love the whimsy corner and I especially like its name. Somehow that makes it so much more 'You' and means that anything goes.

  7. Your garden seems to have flourished quite well in your absence. Your grandchildren are growing. Glad they are going to visit with you awhile. Schools will be starting here in just a few short weeks. Summer is flying by.

  8. The Olympic Gardens look beautiful--Jane Brocket also posted photos of the Gardens. Wow, Oliver and Bekah are growing so fast.

  9. Love the flowers! Grands are growing like weeds! Quite a gardening post!

  10. Well, it looks like your garden survived all the bad weather of a few weeks back. It's looking so pretty and welcoming now.

    The grands are so cute. Enjoy!

  11. Your garden is looking very good. You have some very beautiful roses. The whimsy corner looks like a lot of fun.
    Poor Bekah, she does look sad, still it will be her turn soon.

  12. Hi Barbara. I haven't been on my blog for a while so I've only just seen your comment so just wanted to pop over and say hello. I am a fellow born again Christian too. Our family has just been given some shocking news and so I have been pre-occupied for the last month hence not signing onto my blog but it is nice to meet you.

  13. Hi Barbara. I've tried to post this once but it deleted it for some reason. Just popping over to say hello. Sorry it's taken so long but I haven't been on my blog for a while due to being a bit pre-occupied with some bad family news. I am a Christian too so it's nice to meet you. Melanie

  14. Thinking of you tonight as the Olympic's come to a close. We are just coming back from vacation and wedding hoopla too, and the garden is the first place I check=) Your grands are so beautiful and growing so fast. I will get caught up in blog land sometime after Sept. 1st after my son's wedding. Crazy busy summer!

  15. Photos are great, love the orange, saw them in Ireland. I think they are called hot pokers. Can't grow them here. Your Grandchildren are Darlings. The patio and yard look great.

  16. Good to catch up with you. I love your roses - my favourites.

    Pomona x

  17. lovely as always..i too have a blue lace favorites..

    and PINK ROSE...mmm

    I love the name OLIVER..have a sweet friend named Bekah.

    Hot and humid here too...SIGH.

    Blessing to you always


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