Monday 2 July 2012

Unity of Nations

Folk from 7 different countries having afternoon tea together in my garden yesterday

Home made scones with strawberry jam and double cream,
Butterscotch chip cookies and ginger squares

Our church is hosting different groups of people from Youth with a Mission for a year. They live in a bungalow on site and were thrilled to experience English afternoon tea in my garden
Notice as we were in the garden and there were children around I did not set up with china cups and a teapot

The countries represented apart from our own were
Chilli, Canada, Korea, Australia, Denmark & Switzerland

These young people are over here praying for and serving our town amongst other groups who are doing the same in other London Boroughs
How Blessed we are


  1. How wonderful. Do they all travel together as a group? How long will they be in your area?

    The Church has NET (New Evangelization Teams, I think) and they travel as a group all over the world with the individual groups being assigned to specific regions.

    Smart move keeping the good china out of reach of awkward little hands.


  2. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all get along so well as those people in your garden?

  3. Yes indeed...and so were they with your tea!

  4. Fantastic; wish I`d been there!


  5. Exciting...a United Nations tea! [I feel like our family is a little United Nations group in that God brought us a child from Asia, another from Africa, two foster children from a Hispanic family for a few years and then two children naturally from our Scottish-English-French-German ancestry (with perhaps some native American mixed in, too :)]
    Gracie <3

  6. Yes we are blessed, i have met some of the other YWAM groups that have been over. Blessed as well that you could be out in the garden with the weather we have been having.
    Jenny <><

  7. That is very cool Barbara!

  8. It looks like a lovely afternoon. How nice that the sun was shining, for once! How wonderful to have so many nations represented.

  9. Blessed indeed & how wonderful to be able to sit in the garden for a change this summer!

  10. What a wonderful place to have tea! I'm sure their time with you was a blessing - to them and to you. We have a very dear young friend who is working with YWAM in the Caribbean and South America. We believe in what they are doing in God's Kingdom!

  11. So like you, Barbara, to host a tea promoting good will. I can well imagine that it was very much enjoyed. I know that these young folks will be a blessing to your community.

  12. Ho blessed indeed! What a delightful tea surrounded by such beauty - people and flowers!

  13. How lucky they were to meet a lovely woman as you. I can see
    why you didn't use the china. have a great summer. I am trying to walk with a cane now. Hope I won't have a limp..


  14. Lovely to have a garden big and beautiful enough to accommodate such a group! Everyone looks like they are enjoying your hospitality and its nice and informal too!

  15. Looks like you were blessed with nice weather too. I'm sure they enjoyed tea in your beautiful garden.


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