Friday 13 July 2012

Quex Park - Part 3

Well what was the first thing we did when leaving the museum, we headed straight to the tearoom for a very nice lunch

We stayed away from the cakes as we knew there would be some waiting for us back at the cottage

The house was now open and here we see many artefacts brought back from Africa

A mansion house has stood here at Quex since the 15th century
Adapted by a succession of owners, it was demolished in 1806.
By 1813 John Powell had an elegant country retreat built. The Major's father henry Horace Powell-Cotton inherited the estate and extended the house in 1883 to include the oriental room and dining room
It is still a family home so only part of the house is on show

This very special clock is mesmerising to watch as the small steel ball rolls back and forth through each minute
Click to enlarge for more detail

Embroidery set in such intricately carved wood
Have been here some hours now so we are off to
 Minster Abbey founded in 670 ad as there is plenty of the afternoon left


  1. No matter where you go there always seems to be a nice tea room. Those cakes do look wonderful. Hope you had a nice lunch. The home is beautiful and I enjoying seeing it. It's nice that even though the family still lives there they are willing to share some of the inside with everyone.

  2. What a beautiful interior, and it looks so comfortable. How I would like to sit in that chair by the fireplace and read a book from one of the shelves. The galleried landing is impressive. I will have to add this to my list of places I would like to visit (if I show husband the cake pic he will be happy to go).

  3. A very elegant home...not sure what to think about the tiger rug...does the head actually sit up that high? I'd stumble over it and freak myself out.

  4. thank you for taking us on this lovely tour!

  5. I love seeing these places with you. I do hope you will show some of the goings on during the Olympics. We are so excited that the games will be beginning soon.

  6. What an attractive place to visit. I was a bit stunned by the tiger, too!

  7. Wonderful tour of the interior, Barbara. The tiger rug looks so interesting -- I've never seen one in person.

  8. Very interesting and good of you to resist the good looking cakes. So much to learn at these places and I had never heard of this one before.


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