Wednesday 27 June 2012

Back to my Garden

One of the first things I like to do when returning home is have a wander around my garden.
On our return on Friday there was quite a gale blowing and it was showery so the following photos were taken over the following day.
I'll take you along with me

Strawberry Hill rose bush in the front
all David Austin here

Mock Orange 

Escallonia Apple Blossom

Waterfall still not operational due to electricity having to be recited.

Another of my rose bushes in the front

Always like to bring some inside
Hybrid Tea at the top
David Austin at the bottom

The bottom project still a work in progress

We'll get there


  1. Oh, your roses! I miss my French ones (many of which were DA).
    You are giving me inspiration for parts of my new garden.

  2. Beautiful reward for your hard work, Barbara [and Alan :)]!!!
    My roses are still clutching to their bud stage trying to stay warm, but the weather folk are saying we should have a week of *****SUNSHINE*****Hooray!!!
    Gracie <3

  3. Oh I begin to see the plan here...a very nice one. Your roses are always exquisite. The pots and planters out back are gorgeous. Heavy I imagine!

  4. Truly beautiful, Barbara. Be glad your there it is 105 degree here today. All my flowers are drooping.

  5. It looks like your garden is coming along in leaps and bounds!

  6. You win FIRST prize at the Rose competition! They are breathtaking~

  7. So beautiful. I can almost smell the fragrance across the pond and across the continent.

  8. You've got lots of lovely blooms going on right now. I can almost smell the roses. Your table brings back memories of my first English tea! I like what you are doing in the newly renovated section.

  9. Aren't gardens always a work in progress? Yours is beautiful always. Those strawberry pink roses - so pretty.

  10. How beautiful, Barbara. It is always good seeing the garden again after a few days away, as everything seems to have come on so much. The roses are wonderful, and I like your lavender in the path. I can just imagine brushing against it when walking past.

  11. All the roses are wonderful. How nice that you have such a lovely assortment of blooms around your garden. Your newest project is going to look really nice when completed. I like how you have arranged the plants between the pavers. Lots of work yet ahead but it will be worth it.

  12. The bottom of the garden is already looking lovely--I am always enchanged by patios which have the plants placed at intervals in open spot like you have done with your lavender. And of course you roses are wonderful!

  13. Looks like summer has arrived in earnest in your neck o' the woods! Well, at least the arrival of blooms galore. The colourful roses make a lovely punctuation to your gorgeous palette of foliage.

  14. Oh my God! Your roses are so beautiful!I liked the ones you brought inside so much!!Thank you for sharing!

  15. Your roses are beautiful! I love the way your project looks - it will be nice to see more when it's completed.


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