Friday 11 May 2012

Castle Hedingham

After our visit to Hedingham Castle we opted for a walk around the village of Castle Hedingham

Before having a very nice lunch at Buckley's Tearooms

Some of the various teas available

before strolling around the rest of the village

Not the place for lunch in the middle of a day out

and walking back to the castle where our car is parked


  1. What a sweet village. Take out the cars and it is like walking through a storybook.

  2. Beautiful little village. I'm sure that everyone is a very careful driver in that community with the streets so close to the homes. Love the flowers and the way they are displayed. I could happily join you in The Snug one day for tea! =D

  3. I love the tours you give! Thank you so much for posting them.

    Wonderful weekend to you!

  4. Thank you for the lovely stroll through the village. It seems so calm and peaceful.
    Our lilacs just started to open near the base of Mt. Hood in Oregon. Spring is so lovely, isn't it!

  5. You make me quite homesick!
    Loved seeing the thatch and the thick dark beams.
    I always get such pleasure from your posts!
    Best to both of you.
    Hope your weather is better?

  6. Dear Barbara,
    Sending a Mothers Day Hug across the ocean to you. That village is like a Fairy Tale. The streets are sooo clean. Wish I could visit it some day. Got to get going. I am like a snail, this hip pain is awful,soon a new Hip.. I may drop
    of the computer for a week or so. It's my first surgery.. Be well.


  7. What a charming village that is! I just love all of the pretty flowers they have blooming too. Thanks for taking us along.

  8. This village was truly beautiful. It is exactly how I picture in my mind when I think of where I would like to visit. Your photos are gorgeous, thanks for sharing.

  9. If only those hollyhocks had been blooming in the first photo...hollyhocks and thatched roofs, what a wonderful combination!

    Thank you for the walk through town...I enjoyed every photo.

  10. Another lovely village to add to my list. The tearoom looks delightful.

  11. You are making me miss England again!

  12. This village was truly beautiful. It is exactly how I picture in my mind when I think of where I would like to visit. Your photos are gorgeous, thanks for sharing..

  13. What a lovely sunshiny day you had! Adds to the delightful walkways and tea and togetherness.

  14. I do love this village and the houses, but I must say I am not sure I could live in a house that has windows right onto the road like that. Our house is set back from the road a lot way and the idea of people being able to walk past and "look in" scares me a little. I also like The snug, our next town is called snug. Such a funny name.


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