Thursday 12 April 2012

Eynsford Village, Kent

From Lullingstone Roman Villa into the village of Eynsford on this pleasant August day where we will walk a little and have some lunch before our next visit which I am sure you will find interesting in another post

Not sure what this newsagent sold - it appeared to be everything!

The Ford across the river

for the heavy goods vehicles and coaches that cannot cross the bridge

a small truck who chooses the ford and not the bridge
I guess there was someone coming in the opposite direction
it is only one-way

The Plough pub alongside the river
we checked it out for lunch but it was too 'up-market' for what we wanted at this time of day

a skip lorry leaving the ford
and looking at the church ahead
The Church of Saint Martin is built of flint in the Norman and Early English styles with the oldest part dating back to 1100. Its tower has a wood-shingled spire and a clock surrounded by a quotation from Browning, "Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be."

as we choose to walk back over the bridge

glad we don't have to get our feet wet

We pass some pretty gardens as we walk around the village

we have a much simpler lunch here

a novel way to display ones flowers

and now on our way back to the car park
have not been to this village for a long time
can remember taking my children to play in the water


  1. So it is always that way...the water over the road. I thought perhaps a flood. The flowers are so gorgeous. One garden didn't look as if it could hold one more thing it was so full of flowers and ornaments. Lovely! Does "upmarket" mean expensive?

  2. Oh, I loved this post. I know what you mean about a pub going up-market. The Lamb was that way the last time we were in Eastbourne, and it was such a shame because the food had been really, really good but reasonable.
    The flowers! I think I enjoy flowers in England so very, very much...more than I can describe.
    Did you see my last post with the orange poppy? That was taken behind the Hydro Hotel in Eastbourne!
    Love the photo of the bridge and also the truck going through the water. Such a nice post, I enjoyed it!

  3. What a lovely little village! The profusion of flowers makes me want to run outside and begin digging in my garden.

  4. The flowers were beautiful!

  5. Hi Barbara!
    Thank you for the glimpse of a lot of garden beauty!
    Sara from Come Away With Me and I got together in California. She spoke so fondly of you and the lovely visit you had together in England. Happy spring!

  6. That was a nice little adventure with you!

  7. What a beautiful area,I have never been to Kent but it looks well worth a visit,lovely colourful gardens!

  8. What a charming village!!!! I loved seeing all of the beautiful flowers too.

    The ford looks like an interesting way to cross. I take it that there is not a strong current.

  9. thanks for the tour!! your pictures are great!
    have a happy weekend.

  10. Your ramblings are always such a delight, Barbara.

  11. I must add this to my list for next time I visit. It looks idylic :-)

  12. Another lovely ramble. Somehow you manage to make even a newsagents look exciting!

  13. lovely villiage.
    all the flowers remind me of maine in the summer.
    so pretty & quaint!!

  14. Ahh, such a peaceful, flower filled villiage! I look forward to visitng England again next year.Thanks for posting pictures so we can share in your experience!


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