Wednesday 7 March 2012

Walmer Castle and Gardens, Kent. Pt. 1

I'll show you the castle in this post and the gardens in the next as there are 50 photographs

I have heard so much about this castle over the years but have never visited. So in August we rectified that mistake.

Walmer Castle was built in 1539 as one of a chain of coastal forts constructed by King Henry VIII against the threat of invasion by Spain.
From 1708, it became the official residence of the Lords Warden of the Cinque Ports, an office held by many famous people, including the Duke of Wellington, Sir Winston Churchill and the late 
Queen Mother.
The castle was adapted over the years by successive Lords Warden, to make it into a more comfortable home, and the grounds were developed into an attractive garden, which are still changing today.

The Moat has also been incorporated into the gardens

The entrance

Stairs down to the basement

The castle faces out onto the North Sea
note the row of canons outside the castle outer wall

Canons and canon balls

The Corridor runs the full length of the castle

Part of The Duke of Wellington's room

Queen Victoria's Room

The Dining Room is shown here as it was used by the late Lord Warden, HM the Queen Mother when she was here

The Drawing Room

Alan and I taking a break in the tearoom
Alan has scone with jam and cream while I have my favourite 
Lemon Drizzle cake

Walls within walls

Alan acting as the pack horse
Hope you enjoyed the visit and I am sure you will enjoy the gardens in the next post


  1. I haven't been inside either, and it certainly looks like it is well worth a visit.

  2. I do enjoy your visits, and hope that we shall be able to visit some of the lovely places soon. Walmer castle reminded me a little of St Mawes castle, circular, and built as a defence point,though not furnished.

  3. I especially enjoyed the color in the hallway. Unexpected as it was it sure brightened things up inside the castle. I will be looking forward to seeing the gardens. It's still winter time here, but we are seeing a few signs of spring coming.

  4. What a treasure! I am glad you went to visit. That aqua blue color on the walls is really gorgeous.

  5. Lemon cake is one of my favorites. Your pictures make me wish I was there - I look forward to seeing the garden(s). I'm off to plant onions, hope you have a wonderful day.

  6. I enjoyed my visit with you to Walmer castle - thank you!
    Such history attached to it.
    You have such a wonderful heritage in England that we lack in New Zealand where I live.
    I've had three short visits to England, so have only touched the surface of places I would like to see!


  7. Thank you for the memories. I am really looking forward to seeing the gardens :-)

  8. Hi Barbara!

    I just love it when you share your adventures with us!

    Sometimes I can't visit for a while and then I will spend an hour or so just going through your past posts.

    It is something I like to do at leisure and with a cup of tea or coffee.

    xoxo Bunny Jean

  9. The Photo with the vase, is that the depth of the window sill?
    What a lovely trip this was. Thanks my leg couldn't make that trip. By June I'll get the new hip. I am scared, Never went under the knife. I'll be 75 hope I can heal up.


  10. Breath-taking, Barbara. The sea views are magnificent. Can't you imagine being out on the battlements overlooking the sea in a storm. Powerful.

  11. Oh my... I just found your link at Tracey's and so glad I stopped by.

    I see we both love Him.... that's a kindred spirit of the most lovely kind!

    Plus I love all things English and gardens and ramblings... so I look forward to future visits.

    Wishing you glimpses of heaven in unexpected places.........

  12. Very interesting, Barbara.

    That is the deepest windowsill I've ever seen; obviously the castle walls are very thick. I love that someone placed a vase of flowers there.

    Things must have moved very slowly back in those days...if you had time to build castles to ward off an impending invasion.

  13. Such a wonderful place- I loved seeing this!

  14. I surmise that Alan has recovered well enough to be pack horse! Thank you for this most interesting tour, Barbara. I find the rooms so homey and comfortable looking.

  15. What a wonderful tour! I enjoy seeing castles - especially those with history.

  16. I now see you got to go inside first. I read your post around the wrong way. I just love the blue hallway and all those paintings. You are so lucky to have so many interesting historical place nearby to visit.

  17. Good heavens, I have missed a number of posts so will catch up asap. I really enjoyed seeing this castle and the beautiful rich colors of that hallway, both on the walls and the carpeting. Alan looks like a cheerful pack horse anyway. Lemon Drizzle cake looks like the way to go!

  18. Really enjoyed seeing the castle with you. You have clicked absolutely wonderful pictures, the actual experience must have been awesome.Awww... I wish I could see these places! I loved Queen Victoria's room and your yummy tea! Thank you.


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