Wednesday 28 March 2012

Ramblings for The End of March

These last 3 months have been so full and passed so quickly. It has been hard to choose which direction to go sometimes when 3 important events have clashed.

Like this past weekend for instance, I had to choose between a residential weekend at Pilgrims Hall for team and trustees or a conference at my church.
I chose the conference in the end as there were lectures on some very important issues we face in our world today.
I have been asked to post on the conference but that would be impossible so I pass on a link instead for those interested
(Go to Homepage and click on audio/video on the menu bar)
Professor Dr. Peter Jones who is the director of truthexchange shared his Godly Wisdom and insights on the infiltration of 
Neo-Paganism into some of the church and society at large
He has written many books on the subject

We first met Dr. Jones last year and as an aside it is a small world.
Although he lives in San Diego, California, he was born and bred in my home town of Liverpool and was a friend of John Lennon when young
It turns out that he and I were awarded an Art Scholarship around the same time but my parents would not allow me to take a place at art school insisting on grammar school instead of the art school that some of the Beatles attended

That same weekend, as members, we had an important AGM of our local Conservative party to attend where there was some crucial voting to make sue that our Christian Member of Parliament had a team around him who would support him in his Godly endeavours.
We had the largest turn out for our town ever and the opposition were so fazed that they phoned the local Fire Brigade to try and have the meeting stopped on grounds of health and safety. The meeting went ahead with fantastic results.

Our weather this last week has been fantastic
Temperatures in the low 70's f. Virtually unheard of for March
While some were enjoying it others were dealing with 
3 wild fires around the UK
Added to that hose pipe bans are due to come in beginning of April as we are in a serious drought situation after 3 dry winters

Well the good weather brings lots of hard work with it
Much pruning and tidying etc of the garden but we are also planning and working on lots of changes. A garden is never static and lots of things need to be replaced and we are also getting rid of one of our sheds and our greenhouse. I no longer do the raising of my own plants so the green house has ended up a dumping ground recently and our bottom shed is falling down 
More on that later


  1. Thank you for the link...I'm off to take a look. How interesting about your shared history and your what might have been...

    I'm afraid the same weather conditions exist here in much of the country...drought. Nasty.

    And the good fight continues everywhere with the opposition willing to go to nearly any extreme. Praying that cooler heads will prevail and that God's work continues even in government. *gasp*

  2. Wow, you HAVE been busy! Difficult choices, as every option sounded good.

    As a parent of young children, your comment about not being allowed to go to the art school interested me. We are currently mulling when it is appropriate to shield our children from too much worldly influence and when it is better to let them know about the real world. Interesting then that Dr. Jones was right there in the thick of worldly influences and came out as a strong defender the faith.

  3. Barbara, it sounds like there is never a dull moment in your life these days. I look forward to seeing what you are planning for your garden.

  4. Hi Barbara....
    What do you do to care for those beautiful orchids? I have several that I bought a few months ago and would love to get them to bloom.

  5. No wonder the time has slipped by so quickly. It sounds like you have been really busy. The garden alone is such a big time consumer, but the results will be wonderful.

    The conference sounds like it was a great choice for you. What a shame that you could not attend both.

  6. Spring does bring a lot of work. It's started early for us here with some unusually warm March days. But now it's turned colder and I'm working inside this week. We've had plenty of rain so even though we didn't get all the snow we've had in past winters, we made up for it. Hope your Thursday is a wonderful one!

  7. You are busy indeed!
    So looking forward to seeing your garden galloping through spring.
    Your orchids are charming.
    Do you manage to make them come back?

  8. Barbara, Glad the meeting went well. As far as weather, we had a week of 75-80 This morning it is snowing in Maine. Crazy Times,
    weather and Politics.


  9. There's certainly a lot going on in your life. I'm glad the weather is good and you're able to get out into the yard. As I look at the work in mine, I return to the computer because it's pouring rain out there!

  10. Enjoyed reading your post! Gardens are ahead of schedule here!

  11. 70s for you must feel positively like summer! Glad you had nice weather to do some garden tidying.

  12. Catching up a bit. Anxious to follow the link you provided. Such important things to be mindful of in these days!


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