Friday 16 March 2012

Dover Castle Pt. 1

For over 2,000 years these fortifications have protected the English coast. Henry II built the present castle in the 1180's, and over the next 800 years it's buildings and defences were adapted to meet the changing demands of weapons and warfare

For Alan and and I, it is a pleasant day in August and we find the car park full so are directed to this overflow field which soon fills up
There is a shuttle bus to take us to the castle but I prefer to walk rather than waiting around
It's not just a walk across the fields but by road right around the hill
First down the hill and then back up another hill 

This is not our first visit

The Battlements with the Spur Casements which go right around the castle

We arrive at Constable's Gate -the main entrance
It has taken us about half an hour from the car and I am hot and somewhat breathless 

Once inside there is a lot of tough walking but there is a land train for those that need it

Alan charging ahead while I am stopping to take photos

The Port of Dover

The drawbridge and gate to The Inner Bailey

King Henry II's Great Tower

Up and up we climb
there are about eight levels that take us quite high

In the centre of the photo here we see the curved hill that takes us to our car

Overlooking the town of Dover

and the Port

and here we are looking down on the cafe where we had lunch

more of Dover

and looking down here from one of the corner towers on the roof we look across to the top of the White Cliffs of Dover and the English Channel

The castle church to the right - St. Mary-in-Castro, the finest late Saxon building standing in Kent

We have now left the Great Tower
and in the next post I will show you inside where we will see some of a royal palace recreated to its 1180s glory

These Garrison buildings on the right mostly house various exhibitions - the only one we visited today was the museum of the Regiment of Diana the Princess of Wales

Now on our way down

to the Regimental Institute Restaurant where we have tea
before that long walk and climb back up the hill


  1. You two certainly got your exercise that day! What a lot of rugged walking.

    I often open the photos to the larger size. One made me curious...wondered what those golf cart looking vehicles were below...wondered if you and Alan might take a ride on one... Of course, you know that they were actually picnic tables with people seated all around. LOL! Perhaps I need an eye check.

  2. That long walk up the hill would be beyond me I'm sure. I'd be taking advantage of the shuttle, Beautiful sights though and worth your efforts. The place looks to be gigantic in size and would be quite a fortress. The view of the port is quite breath taking too. Now that nicer weather is finally coming our way I hope to be out and about more. Meanwhile your travels have made this winter less dreary. Thanks always for sharing.

  3. WOW! it all just take's my breath away.Thanks for shareing.

  4. Ah, I just found your blog and I am so happy I did. I love England and have been there twice and will go again. Seing the beautiful spots you have visited are inspiring me to start a little travel blog. Right now I have a cooking blog. I loved reading a bit on your life and journey with God. So cool to see God at work!! Thanks for doing this blog! Great photos!

  5. Wondeful! How I'd love to tour a castle!

  6. I love your blog, Barbara. Thank you for the views, and all the hard work you did to take the pics and report to us. We really appreciate it. (I always call my hubby to come look at your offerings. He will come to see yours, but not others.)

  7. Amazing places and history. I remember learning "There'll be bluebirds over the white cliffs of Dover" in school. And I've always wondered how white they really are.

    You get plenty of exercise on your touring!

  8. Barbara,
    I feel that I probably need to introduce myself to you again as
    I've been so negligent in commenting although I have dropped by from time to time.

    I was just thinking back years ago when you wrote about your early years of marriage and all the adventures you and Alan experienced. I still think you are one brave lady!

    I always enjoy your postings featuring places I probably will never see but I do see them through your eyes and camera lense.

    Blessings to you and old is Oliver now? I remember he has a sister also...Betty

  9. I loved this post Barbara! Thanks for sharing, they pictures were truly beautiful.

  10. I like those photos you took of the narrow passageways and stairs. And the view from the higher levels are breath-taking. I wonder how may miles you walked by the time your visit was through!

  11. In the first picture it looks like the castle is clamped well between the sky and earth beneath. Excellent focus. Looks like the castle has the entire history of 2000 years embedded in its rocky walls. Great piece.

  12. Can anyone remember dungeons uo at the castle. They no longer seem to exist. I have memories as a child of going down rather wet and smelly dungeons, but even the medievil tunnels do not house them can anyone else help please. I am beginning to think my memory fails me. Pauline


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