Saturday 4 February 2012

'Getting to Know You' for the Little Ones

Yesterday was the day that some of the young ones from our Church Community and school visited our home to learn  more about us and the early days of our house church fellowship, part of a project that they are studying
Click on high lighted links for more information 

It took me back to the 70's when I taught a class in my home when as a fellowship we home schooled our children before establishing   a fully functioning Christian School

Part of getting to know us better was getting to know about the things that we liked to do

One of Alan's activities is playing his trumpet

One of mine being a Director (and much more) of Pilgrims Hall 
which I have posted on many times
so we took the children there for the afternoon

It was far too cold to have a picnic in the grounds as originally planned so here we are eating our lunch in the room that used to be the school room when this was a private house

Here we see Lynne giving the children a lesson on life in the house when it was privately owned

Musn't leave out the community support Police that drop into the Hall for a cup of tea or spot of lunch in the Tearoom

Lunch over it is time for some outdoor fun
Learning here what a Ha-Ha is
that deep ditch between the fields and the gardens of the house in order to keep the sheep out 

It is so cold that the pond is frozen solid

and the horses (owned by a lady who rents a field) have their coats on

The birds had built a great nest in the Dovecote

and here the children are marching through the Italian garden

to learn to tell the time with the sun dial

Next stop is the orchard where the chickens live

Each child was given a pot of food with which to feed them

and before leaving they went into the hen house to collect the eggs, each taking one home with them

Lastly the carpenter who rents an out building showed them some of his work and how he uses a lathe 

A very successful day 


  1. That's quite a busy day and the children saw a lot of interesting things. Looks like the girls were afraid to feed the chickens...or maybe there are just no photos of them doing so. How fun to get an egg warm from the nest to take home!

  2. How wonderful to spend a day with children. They always are a blessing to me. To be living in such a community must be fulfilling indeed. It's very cold here today. We've had some warmer ones and now are getting back to normal.

  3. What a lovely day out for them, so much to see and do. They all look to be taking a keen interest in things.
    Now off to read about Pilgrims Hall!

  4. What a wonderful day! They will remember it all their lives, I'm sure. Thanks for bringing us along. It was fun!

  5. What a fascinating day for those children, with so much to see and do.

  6. The children are very lucky to have a lesson such as this. You can tell they enjoyed it all. You must have been a tired puppy when you went home.
    We had sun and snow at the same time this morning.
    Tonight is Downton Abbey, can't wait to see it.

  7. Children, parents, and Grands together - it's like the seasons with the knowledge and history being passed along - endlessly repeated.

  8. Dear Barbara, Sweet Blessings to you.

    I really enjoyed this post and think you are a great Lady!

    These young children have been given a wonderful opportunity to learn so much about life.

    God bless and shine on,

  9. Even if cold, it was sunny! What a lovely day. Thank you for showing me!

  10. This whole post gave me the most wonderful feeling, so much caring here. The gardens are beautiful, the continuation of everything. Very heartening.

  11. This was a fun post to write and read. It also helps us all learn more about you and Alan.

  12. What a great - and hopefully very memorable - experience for the youngsters, Barbara. It's that sort of day out that we remember all our lives. Well done You!

  13. Looks like everyone had a great day there,very varied,and I wonder how many eggs got home safe!

  14. I'm glad I tagged along on this outing. I learned what a "Ha-ha" is!

  15. Lovely Barbara! Well documented ☺ I very much enjoyed the day too so thank you!


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