Friday 30 December 2011

Cakes Galore at Leigh-on-Sea

A change of scene with a visit to the wedding cake shop
in Leigh-on-Sea

The pictures taken through the window show lots of reflections

Which one do you like best?
It has to be the two in the above photo for me I think

This shop contains a small tea room and there are lots of cup cakes to choose from
Having just had lunch we passed on this and I did not buy any to take home!

Let me take this opportunity to wish everyone a
Very Happy New Year


  1. What a yummy tour! I loved them all... so unique. I also loved your 2-at-a-time pictures. (You got me thinking that you are really an undercover agent... pretending to take pictures of cake while all the time sending pictures of the shops across the street to international recipients. I love your shops and very different to us, realm.) Thanks for sharing your world, Barbara! I always enjoy your blog.

  2. A very happy New Year to you and yours too! Beautiful display of cakes!

  3. They LOOK wonderful indeed but I wonder what they taste like?
    I hope you got a chance to experiment!
    Wishing all your family a healthy and prosperous new year!

  4. I like the two that you choose the best too. They are more the traditional ones I think. They do a great job of it there though, each is very well done. Glad there weren't that many choices when I had to decide how my cake would be decorated. I'm sending best Wishes for a Happy New Year too. I have a feeling that 2012 will be a wonderful year!

  5. They are all wonderful. I am partial to the banner cake as it reminds me of my window. ☺ I also like the tree with the pale green leaves. You did very well to take those pictures through the glass.

  6. It's hard to choose - so many beautiful cakes in these photos. I like the black and white one.

    Happy New Year, Barbara. May 2012 be filled with more of God's good gifts.

  7. What lovely and unusual cakes. Thanks for sharing. Happy New Year to you.

  8. I wonder who would like the cake with the cow horns and the cowlike spots on it? Someone who loves cows, I suppose...
    Happy 2012!

  9. Beautiful cakes! That's some talented bakers! I do like the two you mentioned, especially the one with the tree going up the side..
    Happy New Year to you too!

  10. Gorgeous! I loved the flower bouquet cake.

  11. What incredible cakes! Your two favorites are my favorites, too. We have good taste, don't we? Wishing you a wonderful New Year filled with so many blessings you can count them!

  12. There must be something inherently wrong with me, because I do not get a kick out of the elaborately decorated cakes... we have so many shows about them over here in the U.S. ... but an interesting blogstory at any rate! Happy New Year!

  13. OMGosh....those cakes are GORGEOUS!!!! I am so glad you shared the pictures with us.

    May your 2012 be filled with many blessings.

    PS Can you believe my word verification on this post is "nonfat"???????? How appropriate!!!!!

  14. All the best to you Barbara in the coming year. Finding your blog has been a blessing to me.

  15. Love wedding cakes and birthday cakes.
    Happy New Year!

  16. I especially like the second one from the top picture with the pale pink flowers on top.
    Wishing you a most Happy New Year!

  17. I've enjoyed your blog and travels so much this past year~
    I sort of like the bunting cake, its so happy.
    Speaking of happy, hope 2012 is just that for you

  18. Wow! Cake as an art form! There are creative outlets everywhere!
    Best wishes for the new year!
    New follower,

  19. Happy New Year to you too! Loved all the cakes it is hard to pick a favorite.

  20. I have a sudden craving for something sweet. They look so good. Happy New Year!

  21. Happy New Year, Barbara and Alan.

    These cakes are stunning. I think I agree the two you chose are the prettiest, but I also like the black and white one (not the butterfly cake but the other one)...

    I'd love to know if they taste as wonderful as they look! But good for you for not indulging--such self-discipline!

  22. They are all incredibly beautiful. I do like the one with black decor!

  23. All the cakes look so very yummylicious! I liked the one with yellow tree and the black one too.
    Dear Barbara, thank you so much for your friendship and encouragement.

  24. Awesome. How DO they do that??? Really incredible.

  25. Oh I LOVE the flower cupcakes in the pretty.

    I enjoy shoppes like this..a feast for the eyes....and makes your tummy growl...

    I like the reflections...made for interesting scenes..of local life and fancy touches!!

    Thanks for the fun shoppe peak!



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