Friday 4 November 2011

Shopping at the 2010 Olympic Site Pt.1

Wednesday saw us visiting the new Westfield Shopping Centre on  the 2012 Olympic site.
Only 28 minutes by car to the turn off into the Olympic Village
I'm posting in 2 parts as I do not want to bore you with 60 photos in one go so if you are interested come join us

The Olympic village

over the bridge 

where we get our first sight of the Olympic Park with the main stadium to the right
The site is not finished yet but there is enough to be able to see how impressive it is
(on the way in lights flash up every few hundred yards to show the speed one is travelling) 

We have parked on the right in one of several car parks and I am walking out here to see more of the site

There will be a restaurant at the top of this sculpture

and then into the mall

with reminders of Christmas

and now to part of the outside area for a glimpse of Jamie Oliver's Italian restaurant to where we will be coming back later

back inside with interactive touch screens for all the information  one needs
if you cannot remember where you parked your car
just key in number plate and it will show you

Who cares about the rain with umbrellas like this

more like a top hotel in the restrooms 
one continuous slope where the water runs away with no sight of plug holes or basins

and the hand dryers hidden behind continuous length mirrors

then back to check on Jamie's opening times for when we stop for lunch - pasta, pasta, pasta

They are preparing for opening but happy to let me take some photos in advance

we were glad we came early as by afternoon it was packed

an international station that brings trains straight from Paris via. the channel tunnel - straight up these steps and into the mall

Obviously there are people who like to drink champagne while shopping

a nice men's outfitters amongst the 324 shops
84 places to eat or snack

Forgotten the name of this shop but they are springing up in malls
a Californian chain where one shops in the dark

A view of the 3 levels

slightly noisy here - kids play area on the top floor

Does not matter what time of day - Apple stores are always busy

many rest areas throughout
obviously the stores do not want us to go home but to replenish our energy for a little more shopping

to be continued..............

Today (Friday) is my birthday and I have just had a great
birthday present - hearing that Downton Abbey is to have a third series!
Filming will start in January for release in September and will take place in the 1920's.
Last episode of series 2 this week but there is still the
Christmas bumper edition to look forward to.


  1. Bonne Anniversaire, Barbara!

    What an intriguing visit to the new Olympic centre. I think I might come away a bit confused by it all!

  2. Happy Birthday, Barbara! I hope you have a wonderful day that's only the beginning of another wonderful year.

    Thanks for sharing the Olympic Village photos. We never made it to the winter Olympics 2010 in Vancouver, but it seems that new construction, and lots of it, is part of the process. That mall looks so shiny and new. But I can't imagine shopping in the dark!

  3. That's an impressive mall. Would love to see more of it.

  4. Happy Birthday, Barabara! It must've been a good season two since you are excited about season three. How many weeks or new progams are there? I have not yet found season two available for viewing online. Hope to, though.

    Thank you for the glimpses into the new Olympic venue and the beautiful mall. It was all very interesting. Are you and Alan getting your tickets lined up in advance? I remember the Canadian bloggers talking about getting their tickets a year in advance.

  5. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, Barbara..
    happy birthday, Barbara
    I do not like these malls- I prefer the small individual shops...

  6. Happy Birthday Barbara! God Bless you!

  7. Happy birthday!!!!! That IS a wonderful present. We are in love with DA.

    That is quite the complez for the Olympics. Everything looks so modern. I do like the idea of the wash basin trough. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  8. Happy Birthday, Barbara! That California chain store may be either Abercrombie or Hollister (stores where you can buy jeans already ripped and dirtied). I've read good things about Downtown Abbey. The Village looks amazing. Can't wait for more pictures!

  9. I see I'm not the only one who takes photos of myself in restroom mirrors! I recognize that California chain store but can't think of the name of it either at the moment. I've never been inside...they always have loud music issuing forth from their doors and their fashions are for those much younger than I.

    Looking forward to the rest of your tour. That is a wonderful mall, very up scale!

  10. Hello Barbara

    Happy Birthday! Give anything if I could be at the Olympics this coming summer.

    Your tour was wonderful! Thanks for sharing.

    Tracy :)

  11. Happy Birthday and many more of the same!

    I loved your pictures, almost like being there!

  12. Happy Birthday to you Barbara!

    Great to go on the Olympic site visit.
    Thank you for taking us along.:)
    Happy that you visited my blog.

  13. Hope your birthday celebration was lovely, Barbara. God bless you muchly!


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