Monday 28 November 2011

London on a July Sunday Pt.2

Having come across the bridge onto the South Bank we see the Globe Theatre. It is a faithful reconstruction of the open-air playhouse, first built in 1599, where Shakespeare worked and for which he wrote many of his greatest plays

photograph from website as obviously one is not allowed in during performances

The foyer area is modern and quite a contrast

walking back to the bridge - seen here behind the Silver Birch

Where we wonder if she has changed her mind!!
But no, all is well - just waiting for a film crew 

The invisible man

The old and the new

Lots more to come on this day yet
St. Paul's Cathedral next


  1. As ever, a delight to visit London with you!
    I have yet to go to the Globe.
    Must do so on next London visit.

  2. Lovely photos of London. I haven't been there in over 30 years. Would love to take a trip back sometime.

  3. The Globe Theater was very interesting. If they had that much space, I'm truly impressed. An interesting group of folks this day...a bride, an invisible man, Alan watching the bride carefully. =)

  4. I loved all the pictures but the one with the contrast of the old and the new really got my eye. It's nice to see that lovely July day. It's a cold and rainy one here today.

  5. There is an "Old Globe" theatre in San Diego's Balboa Park that I've visited, patterned after the original one of centuries ago. The Musician and I saw the London Globe when we crossed the bridge toward Tate Modern one day, but didn't get around to walking over to it for a closer look. So I appreciate your photos here!

  6. London has so much history. I'd love to visit the Globe Theatre one day.

  7. Looks so lovely, I walked over the brides bridge and am happy to finally see what it looks like inside shakespears theatre. We drove past it many times but did not have time to enter. So thanksyou for the tour of london.

  8. The invisible man now him I like!

    :-} Lorraine

  9. The Globe Theater looks fantastic. Great to be able to see it with you.
    Yes, The Invisible Man looks intriguing!:)
    Hope Alan is fine.

  10. Thanks Barbara for sharing these photos with us. I can just imagine the history behind the Globe Theatre. It is so beautiful. I really like the invisible man, too.

  11. Nice to revisit that area of London with you on your photo tour. You saw some interesting things. I didn't discover that area until last year and I'm looking forward to a return trip.

  12. The contrast is stark looking from the old to the new. One wonders if they would even be able to hire the craftmen of old.


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