Sunday 4 September 2011

More August Antics

Grandma got to be a real Grandma again last week, the last week before Oliver goes back to school for his full first year
so just a few random shots of some of the fun we had

I was so moved by his thoughtfulness here - he and I had ran a number of races (at Oliver's request of course) over a couple of days and guess what - Grandma came last every time.
On mentioning this to Oliver he said "You can have a head start Grandma and I'll run slower this time" - "I won!"

Another visit to Pilgrims Hall

and the local park

Granddad trying to weed the garden

This is the Pyracantha full of winter berries in mid-August

Never one to miss a brilliant sunset
nor an opportunity for prayer

We were having lunch in one of our larger shopping malls recently when an elderly lady tried to manoeuvre her mobility scooter to a table while her grand daughter was standing out of sight a distance away in the food queue. She suddenly fell to the floor knocking herself very hard against the side of the sofa that we were sitting on. As Alan and several other men ran to pick her up she insisted she would be fine and did not want a fuss made. 

As her grand daughter arrived on the scene I explained what had happened and as the elderly lady was so obviously shaken I asked her if I could pray for her, that she would have no lasting after effects from the nasty fall. 
Yes please she said and afterwards held my face in  both hands kissing me on the cheeks, thanking me and telling me I was an angel. 
I asked her how old she was and she said 92!


  1. Lovely photos today, especially of your sweet little grandson. Sad that the lady had such a nasty fall but you her earth-angel and the others who helped her were there for her, and that was wonderful. I hope this lady's bruises heal quickly and that your grandson has a marvelous year at school.

  2. How sweet of Oliver to give you a head start with the race!!!!! That was cute. Guess he figured that was the only way you were going to win. ;) Weeding does look a bit challenging with him on the back.

    Beautiful pictures of the flowers and sunset!

    I am sure that lady must have been so grateful for your help. Those scooters can be so dangerous sometimes. It is lucky she did not break her hip.

    We had a lady fall at church last week - tripping over the curb as they were leaving. I helped her up and to their car. When I saw them today her husband asked me if I was a nurse. When I replied with a nod, he said they thought I must be because I knew how to get her up. I didn't realize that there was more than one way!

  3. Oh Barbara, you were in the right place at the right time to pray for that precious lady. What a blessing for you both to see the Lord at work. John came home from church just today and told me that the 104-year-old lady he's been praying for came to know the Lord last week. She was in the hospital for tests when a friend stopped by and asked if she could pray for her. The response was that she didn't know the Lord nor how to pray so her friend suggested that it wasn't too late to learn. We were both very pleased because this elderly lady's daughter was a dear friend of my mother's and they used to talk about their moms all the time and fret a bit and pray together for their moms. It's a huge answer to prayer.

    Oliver has a tender heart to allow you to win at least one race. I told Sam that I was kind of slow and he agreed with me. I was glad that he seemed reluctant to do so, but he had to tell the truth. I need a bike!

  4. What a sweet grandson you have! Somehow they are always faster on their feet than we 'older' people!

    I dont think I have ever seen a sunset quite that fiery, such an amzing photo.

  5. What a precious grandson, Oliver is, so thoughtful. Beautiful flowers, and sunset; great picture of Oliver on grandad's back. Touching story about praying for the elderly lady. So glad God still has those who will pray for others. Blessings my friend.

  6. Beautiful photos and you are such a lovely lady. Cheri

  7. Amen, Amen & Amen to this entire post. Can't believe Oliver is 5!!!

  8. Glad you had fun with your grandson! And I hope that your prayers were answered - although I don't suppose you get to 92 without being made of strong stuff!

    Pomona x

  9. Oh and the Angel you are! How wonderful of you to take that moment...touching her heart.

    I know she will never forget your kindness.

    Blessings to you...

  10. An Angel for sure!

  11. I bet Oliver had fun with such loving grandparents.
    I lost my lovely Pyracantha to the frosts this year, but the younger one is starting to show promise of plenty berries.

  12. Thank you for taking the time to pray for/with the lady. It sometimes seems we use prayer as a last resort when life could be so better if we went with prayer first. Your pictures are beautiful. Thanks for giving me a peek at your garden. No rain here yet, but it has gotten cooler (only86 today).

  13. How adorable Oliver :)
    That sunset is a smasher! I saw a beauty like that when I was driving in Arizona. Here in New England they are rare.

    Lorraine xx

  14. I love the picture of Oliver on Grandpa's back and how sweet to give you a head start.
    You were in the right place for that woman...I could just picture the grand daughter holding your face in her Angel indeed.

  15. Oliver is quite the young man - and he is growing up so fast! Loved seeing a bit of his visit with you.


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