Tuesday 20 September 2011

Minehead, Somerset

Have often wondered about this seaside town so as it was just 4 miles away from Dunster castle and village we decided to end our day here. It is certainly not what I expected but interesting all the same. I invite you to walk with me.

We have already walked from the centre of town with it's amusements and shops and are now making our way along the front to the other side of the headland you see here. The hills of Wales can just be seen on the other side of the Bristol Channel

It gets prettier as we near the headland with it's houses scattered around the hill

We pass some interesting houses facing the sea

And here we pass a monument depicting the West Country Coastal path

We reach the harbour

and look back to see how far we have come
we began our walk on the far side of the bay where the pointed white building is in he distance
This is after walking all day around the Dunster castle gardens and village. I have to say I am beginning to feel leg weary

Had to come to the far end of the headland though just to see what is here

Gosh it is a long way back

We stop for tea and cakes

and what do we find when we begin walking again

We flag the train down and what a delight to just sit knowing that this train will take us back to our car on the far end of the promenade. A few more minutes drinking tea and we would have missed it.


  1. It looks lovely, I've always wanted to visit Minehead.

  2. It's ages since I was in Minehead. Thanks for the memory!

  3. What a lovely seaside destination,I love the regular stop for tea and cakes and those little tourist trains are the best invention ever!I always use them where ever I see them on holidays!My aunt and uncle who live in Bristol are regular visitors to Minehead each year,they love it with their grandchildren.

  4. Hi Barbara, Last week got a chance to share your blog with my brother-in-law and his wife, who are on vacation in England this week and next. They excited to look through your posts, and get your take on a few places they will be visiting. Hope all is well on your side!

  5. I would say it is was worth the visit. Glad you got the train though, that looked like a long walk back.

  6. That does look like a long walk, but I'm sure you deserved your tea. What a lovely seaside village with beautiful homes tucked in to the hillside.

  7. Serendipity!
    Its charming there, and Barbara, you have (and the mister)
    such stamina. I am impressed.

  8. Beautiful landscapes, a very interesting monument, thanks for taking us along. Blessings.

  9. What a lovely place and walk.

  10. Thanks for the walk, it was beautiful. From where I sit I felt a bit discouraged at your long way back. The train was a great surprise. When something like this happens do you feel you are watched over and taken care of?

  11. I was longing for you to stop for a cuppa.
    And the train seems sent by a benevolent deity!

  12. That is a very long way off! A long walk...but what a wonderful place to be walking. And how pleasant to have an interesting little train to take you back where you started.


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