Saturday 13 August 2011

While We Were Sleeping

Good to smell the roses today
Am feeling rather tired having been up since 2.20 am when we were woken by the screech of tyres from our new car that was being stolen.
That was up-setting enough until we realised that in order to get the keys the thieves had broken into our home while we were sleeping and on their way through our dining room decided that our mobile phones were worth taking too.

How blessed we are to have house church neighbours who care.
One lady opposite who saw the escape came and sat with us until the police left at 5.30 am
Since then so many others have visited to offer support and pray.

We cannot praise the police enough who came quickly, were supportive, friendly, caring and offered all the help we needed.
They also complimented us greatly by saying it was a pleasure to be dealing with such nice people when so many they dealt with were difficult and abusive. Said it distressed them to see such nice people violated and hurt.
When lying quietly later I could only pray for those people who drove our car away, that the Spirit of God that was sustaining us would touch them through having been in a spirit filled home, driving a spirit filled car with phones full of the phone numbers of spirit filled people.

We are now trusting that the courtesy car will arrive on time on Monday so that we can continue with our holiday plans.
We pray too that our car will be found quickly and be returned undamaged after the forensic team have given it a once over.
Do join me.


  1. I am so sorry that you had to experience this. That is just terrible. I will put you in my prayers. This has to devastating for you. God bless you and keep you safe and may he help you through this.

  2. Barbara - how disturbing! Sorry this happened but join you in prayer. God's peace on you, your family and your home.

  3. The idea of people walking through the house while you sleep would be most unsettling. I am so sorry for you! I will join you in praying. How wonderful that you are of a mind to pray for them!

  4. I will be praying. What a terrible experience you had. I do hope all goes well and you can go on holiday as planned.

  5. Poor you! This is awful.
    Yes, I do hope the wretched thieves learn something from this.
    You, certainly, have learned that there are good people out there to support you, but I would feel very violated and scared if I knew people had been in our house.
    So sending much love to you and Alan.
    Thank goodness the police were nice (they mostly are if you are!)

  6. I am so sorry to hear thsi. Thank God that you were not hurt by the thieves. I will pray that all will be restored to you.

  7. Sorry to hear that. You and your husband will be in my prayers.

  8. Just praiseing the Lord you were unharmed. We were woken once by someone trying to get into our home. They must have thought we slept upstairs. Gentle huggles.

  9. So glad you are okay, Barbara. Will definitely be praying for you and those working on your case and those who drove off with your belongings.

  10. I'm in TOTAL agreement Barbara that The Spirit of God that permeates all you possess will do a work within these poor lost souls. Just glad you were in no way hurt. Praise God for The Family of God!!!!

    The verification word for me is "phoringu". That is significant- phone - ring - you!!!

  11. Thank heavens that you two are safe and sound, but what an unpleasant encounter!

  12. Dear Barbara, I'm so sorry this happened to you. I live in CA and we are quite used to hearing this sort of thing... be advised that they not only got your car keys, but also your home, shed, office.... whatever keys you had are still on the keyrings. They do know where you live and may be watching your house to see if you leave and come back for your other things. Get all you locks changed by a reputable locksmith.
    We will pray for you! You we like!

  13. It's good to know with Whom our security resides in times like these and I'm grateful nothing worse happened. I join you in praying for a speedy return of your car, intact, and for those who decided to make off with it and your mobiles. Also that you are able to take your planned holiday and be refreshed and blessed.

  14. Oh, Barbara, I'm so sorry you had to go through this last night. What s good person you are to think to write such lovely words about your appreciation for the police officers who responded. It would make their year to read that.

    Hugs from Canada,

  15. So sorry dear and I am praying, across the big blue pond. In Him.

  16. Oh Barbara, how mightily God protected you; and we are so glad you can pray for the intruders. We will keep you all, in our prayers. Hope you have installed new locks, since they've stolen your keys. Have a wonderful and Blessed week.

  17. You know, Barbara, I first read this on Facebook. Later it occurred to me that they had broken into your house to find the keys and you didn't wake up. I got to thinking of how much worse this could have been.

    Thank you, God, for the protection of your Guardian Angels, as they watched over Barbara and her family.

  18. What a terrible experience to endure,I cannot imagine the sense of dread and horror you must have gone through.Hope you get your car and belongings back soon,at least you and your husband were not injured in the robbery.I will remember you both in prayer,God Bless.

  19. Am very sorry about the robbery and new car being stolen. You have a very good attitude and the prayers are beautiful.
    Will pray.

  20. I am so grieved for you - what a horrible experience. I guess you also have the locksmiths coming before your trip? How horrible that your home and privacy were invaded by these heartless criminals. Praying for you both. I hope the police are able to catch the miscreants and find your car safe and sound. Much love xxx

  21. Oh, Barbara...What a dreadful experience. The good news is that you and your husband were not awakened. Who knows what could have happened. A car and some phones can easily be replaced, but lives can not. I hope that all goes well for your holiday and that they will be apprehended. You are in my prayers. Balisha

  22. So sorry to hear about your experience but parising the Lord that His hedge of protection was around you and your husband. PTL! We will agree and pray with you that the spirit of the Lord will overcome those thieves!

  23. Oh, Barbara. How very sad! The car theft is bad enough, but the violation of a break into your home is disturbing beyond belief. I will join you in prayer.

  24. So sorry to hear this and praise the Lord they left you and your husband alone. Praying for and with you.
    God bless

  25. Barbara, I'm so sorry to hear this. I will be joining you and the others in praying.

  26. What a terrible experience, so glad you are safe. I hope by now your car has been found and you are safely on your holidays.

  27. Hope all gets sorted soon for you. xx

  28. So sorry to hear about your break-in and stolen car. How violated you feel. Glad you were not hurt. I can relate. My son had his car stolen after 4 days of moving to his new home and it was never recovered. Hope too that they find yours.

  29. Oh, Barbara, that's way too much adventure. I do join you in praying that all turns out just as God would have it. I personally think that that means that justice will prevail.

  30. Barbara, I hope everything is OK with you still praying!

  31. I am also praying that this chance encounter as horrible as it has been for you will have a power impact on the perpetrators.... I cant imagine how unsettling it must be for you, but at the same time we know God is in control of all things and His purposes will be fulfilled.... Praise God His protection was over you and I pray also that all will be restored to you! God bless!

  32. Barbara, I am so sorry to hear what has happened. I am thankful to God that you are safe. I am sure all your lost property will be retrieved.
    My prayers.

  33. God will make a way.
    Your car will be returned unscratched.
    God knows your heart.

    More blessings.

    Cassy from Acoustic Guitar Lessons

  34. Dear Barbara: I'm just now catching up, what a horrid thing to go through,and I am thankful you were not hurt in any way.
    I hope they are able to retrieve your property, and justice will be served upon those dastardly thieves.
    God Bless you and your family,

  35. I'm so happy you were untouched.
    You are really something, Barbara, you and your husband. Forgiving and stoic. Truly what Christian means.

  36. OH MY! That is scary. I have gone through that before when I lived in a duplex only worse as I was beaten.
    The person living in the other side of the duplex heard the noise and he came over to see what was happening and scared away the intruder. I was 22 and 110 pounds. My father made sure I had a safe and secure place to return to when I was released from hospital.
    I am so glad you two were not harmed. Could have been worse!

  37. Dear Friend Barbara,
    I've been away from the computer for quite awhile and decided to visit a few blogs...I am so shocked to read about your ordeal!
    I know you must feel violated...but thankful you and Alan had no bodily assault.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you...I can't believe how big Oliver is! I remember him as a baby...

    God bless...Betty


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