Monday 1 August 2011

Garden and Family

Slipping a garden and family post in between holiday escapades
dear little Oliver is now 5 (hard to believe)

Master of the House
Here we see him in the play house that Alan and I and our son bought him for his birthday
We kept telling 2 year old Rebekah that it was Oliver's present to which she kept replying 'Oliver must share, share, share'

Oliver's Birthday Card

and on our previous visit these two little darlings offered to help clean  up their family room
They wiped the dining room floor tiles with anti-bacterial cloths and then proceeded to use the same cloths to clean the TV screen!
At least their heart was in the right place

August is the time when I begin to get a little bored with the garden
The early colour has gone, or is beginning to go over and it is not yet time for the late or Autumn flowering stuff
so lets have a look at what there is just now

I love this two coloured Spirea
I bought it for £1 in a market sale quite some years ago

I have a number of Thymes but like this one by the pond best

The Grace smoke bush never fails but likes to take over

The above two were taken Sunday evening when arriving back from another whole day walking the streets of London
many pictures from this day eventually
All I wanted to do was sit in the shade and recover 

I love this Itea Ilicifolia
It is taking a long time to establish itself and it is quite rare
The only place I have ever seen it was where I bought it
at Christopher Lloyds gardens at Dixter

Some of the new roses that I planted out front last November to replace the ones we used to have there

Well goodbye Tree
It had to go having become quite diseased

Will be gracing  daughter Janie's open fire come the winter

Having had a number of days out recently I have so, so many photos to post but will be back to recent holiday ones in next post


  1. Lovely to see the children growing up and being helpful!
    Also loved your garden tour and the interesting Itea Ilicifolia which was new to me.
    Your roses are delightful and look like David Austin ones -so beautifully scented and pretty but stems rather floppy if you want them in arrangements.
    Still too hot here!

  2. Little ones do love to play in their own special place and that playhouse seems to have been the perfect gift. Your garden looks like a great place to relax in the shade after a day out. Just as beautiful as ever to me. Here I'm staying indoors keeping cool. Thunderstorms are prevalent and it's hot and humid out. Hope your Monday is a wonderful one.

  3. I can't believe the little ones are growing so quickly. How does that happen? I love the "share" comment. Wonder where she has heard that before.

    Your garden looks gorgeous. I love your beautifully roses. They have done well in spite of the dampness.

  4. Happy happy birthday to Oliver!
    The new roses are lovely!

  5. Your roses are just so beautiful. As you say, it is not the best time now, and I keep trying to find something new in the garden. The geraniums are the real splash of colour here.

  6. Oliver does look like a King, sitting there. Great gift for him; so glad he is sharing it. Your garden is so beautiful, I could never get bored with it. And, the fireplace is amazingly beautiful. Blessings.

  7. Precious children! Lovely garden! I think grandchildren are the flowers in the garden of our lives. Thank you for sharing them with us.

  8. That little picture of the two children in the house is just precious. He's growing so fast. The card must have been made by you...nice job. Your roses are so pretty...I love them all.

  9. Your roses are absolutely beautiful! I can almost catch the fragrance!

  10. The children are so sweet and innocent. Your roses are absolutely lovely and I really enjoyed seeing them!

  11. Lovely to be back at home with you enjoying the colours and fragrances and coolness of your garden.

  12. Lovely post today! Your photos are all wonderful. So enjoyed the roses.

  13. Fabulous colour on that Thyme, I'd love to have one so rich, mine are paler, though still delicious and bee covered.

  14. Happy Birthday Oliver.
    This was a great post. You have a gorgeous yard. I have that smoke bush also.

  15. I am impressed with the Ilicifolia and the place you purchased it =) The roses are stunning. The grands are getting so big. I love the tea party in the play house...good times Grandma.

  16. Oh my! I'm shocked at how many of your posts I've missed. I don't know that your blog has been updating in my world properly. Well, I won't let that stop me in the future.

    Your garden, as always, looks beautiful. I know how much hard work you put into it and it certainly rewards you.

    Oliver and Rebekah are so cute!


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