Wednesday 20 July 2011

A Sunday Afternoon Drive

Having spent the morning in Ilminster we drove 12 miles to Crewkerne, a medieval market town, after lunch.
Flax farming here founded a canvas making industry. There is still evidence here of the sails made for HMS Victory, Nelson's Flagship that brought victory to the Battle of Trafalgar.
Thomas hardy was educated at the Grammar School here.
The Town Hall

The church of St. Bartholomew
While visiting there was a garden tour (19 private gardens) to raise money for the church but we decided not to take part as we really did not have 2 hours to spare.

as we planned to have afternoon tea here on the way home

It was a warm sunny day and we sat for a while enjoying the view

before visiting this Cider mill on our way back
Somerset is known for it's cider and apple orchards

which was in this pretty village of Dowlish Wake

when the river is high it forms a ford across the road here


  1. I love it when you go for a drive and take us along! The countryside is a wonderful place to be on a Sunday afternoon. I think we need to take more drives on Sunday afternoons to enjoy the countryside near our home. Thanks for taking us along.

  2. Very pretty climbing roses. I love the views over the distant fields/hills with the trees in the foreground! Cream tea is very reasonable at the White Hart Inn. I love the old window frames on the ground floor there.

  3. Love your pictures -- remind me of the time we spent in England earlier this year!

  4. All so serene. Did you try the cider?

  5. Hello Barbara, Your time spent on Sunday afternoon looks delightful. Pray you are well and enjoying Summer.

    God bless,

  6. It looks like the perfect day for such a fun trip. It would be interesting to see it in it's heyday.

  7. This must have been a lovely day! I want to go back to England some day soon!

  8. One delightful vista after the other, gorgeous Sunday drive!

  9. Beautiful pictures Barbara, didn't realize how much the countryside in England, looks like it does here. Have a Blessed week!

  10. Thank you Barbara for stopping by to visit ME! Yes, you are soo right about the one photo..It is in the Blue Ridge Parkway...what is it that you recognized? That was my first time ever on that road..and took the photo...later found it appropriate for a post on my blog.

    Your trips here are so refreshing..One of my goals is to visit England one day...and Germany where I was born. I never did get there as close as I was in Switzerland..but "my story" would explain the essence of time for us; as you know.

    I hope you visit again and I surely will be back here for another lovely journey.

    By the friend is fron Hertferdshire! I saw the pics from there also.

    Blessings to you each day..and a cuppa tea!

  11. Wow, these are such lovely pictures, Barbara. It's wonderful that you are able to see all these beautiful scenery.

    Thank you very much for your visit and your concern for me! It's really nice to hear from you. Sorry that I have not been able to post or visit blogs recently. I have been extremely occupied with work, family situations and church work.

    I am trying to pace myself carefully, by His grace, and so I have to consciously cut down on the things I used to do. But some unexpected things do cropped up every now and then. Thank God for giving me grace, strength and joy in Him daily!

    Trust that all things are well with you. Take care and have a blessed weekend!

    Warm regards,

  12. I think I have just found where my new residence will be. What a lovely town. Looks like the weather was quite lovely as well. It was 107'F (41'C) in NYC yesterday.

  13. The photos are beautiful. I love historical places. I would love to visit your country.

  14. A lovely trip out - and lovely sunshine, too!

    Pomona x

  15. Gorgeous as always! Thanks for sharing!


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