Wednesday 27 July 2011

Forde Abbey Bog Garden

This has to be the best bog garden I have ever visited. Took a while to walk around and there are too many photos to show them all.
The colours were amazing but they are slightly muted here due to the rain. Hope you enjoy as you walk round with me, double clicking for detail

Over the bridge to enter

A last look back as we leave the bog area
We are now about to leave and drive to
Montacute House and gardens in the rain


  1. What a very lush garden.
    We went to Montacute as a stop-off on our drive back to France from Hampshire.Lovely roses.

  2. beautyful blog, I didn't find the follow list so I'll save it.

  3. Lots of variety there and those hostas are monstrous. What is that feathery white/cream flower? It reminds me of astilbe, but it's not quite right.

    I know of a few places where a bog garden would do well...John has some boggy patches on his property.

  4. I can almost smell the refreshings from the streams and the floral scents...I bet the walk was very peaceful...did you hear birds along the way??

    Thank you for the lovely walk today.


  5. Some of those leaves are gigantic - like something one would see in a jungle!

  6. What a wonderful garden... so close to nature. A good place to contemplate the mysteries of the universe. In the second to last picture, are those white flowers, or is that chaff, left overs from seeds? It's a beauty! Thanks for sharing. I love our little walks!

  7. You have visited some very beautiful places on your holiday - lovely to see the pictures.

    Pomona x

  8. My goodness, what are they feeding those plants? Everything is enormous. Such a beautiful place. Have a Blessed day.

  9. dear Barbara! I love all these ramblings and images of lush England. Thank you for sharing!

  10. Soooo pretty. I love all of the varieties of plants together.

  11. Whenever I can come for a visit, my eyes always have a feast of beauty!!Thank you so much. Have a great day.connie

  12. It's so lush and green Brenda. Lovely.

  13. I recognize many of the plants as ones found here in Oregon!

  14. Hi...I loved this "walkabout" My neighbor, just up the road, built a bog garden in her back yard. It is much smaller, but so pretty. Thanks for taking me along with you.

  15. Ahhh, then, this was where I left off reading so I am all caught up for another few days. I certainly hope that you've had some satisfaction with the stolen car being found and your phones being returned. I'll be eager to hear.


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