Saturday 9 July 2011

17th Century Old Village School

This was such an unusual holiday cottage that I took lots of internal photos. 

As I look at this front door I am reminded of our first time away from the house. Alan had made a note of the key code to get back in.
We returned and it did not work
It felt like utter panic, the people who looked after the place lived 10 miles away and all the information I had relating to them and the house (and the key code) was inside. I could not call the owners and I could not call the local caretakers.
Eventually and almost in tears (not helped by raging toothache) I went to the local pub to see if they could help.
What a relief, as it happened one of their part time waitresses also helped with cleaning the house on occasion. She came down and solved the problem. Alan had written 2 of the numbers down in the wrong order. Panic over.

Looking through from the hallway into the kitchen

The old school coat pegs (note 232 as the highest number)
and an old tapestry wall hanging

The school crest

Looking back towards the front door

And out through the porch

The bedroom corridor

The living room which had obviously been the main school hall was enormous
An interesting feature seen here - one could draw curtains around the central sitting area in front of the fire to make it cosy in the winter

A dining table at one end

Staircase up to a mezzanine area

and a dining table at the other end

Going up to the mezzanine

The mezzanine using space in the roof

and looking down

We had so much room to spread out - I chose this bedroom for space

and Alan had a small one at the back

with his own en-suite with this spa/massage shower

Having been in a 16th century tiny thatched cottage (complete with head bangers everywhere so that we did not hurt our heads on beams and door posts) last time,  I really enjoyed the space here.

Stay tuned for many photos of the area 


  1. What a wonderful use of space in the old school.
    It brought my primary school days back to me rather clearly.....
    Thank heavens you managed to get back in OK!

    Looks as if you had plenty of room to spread out....but , of course, wretched about your tooth which I hope is now improved.

  2. What a very unusual house.
    I can imagine how helpless you felt when you came back with the key that wouldnt open the door.

  3. That is a beautiful place to stay in. I imagine you really enjoyed it. Sorry though to hear you had a toothache. That is never good. Hope you had a good time anyway.

  4. Wonderful tour. Interesting solutions to drafts and winter cold... in the States here we would have stuck things to the door to weather proof it, and the curtains in the living space wouldn't be in our homes either... but what a good idea! We probably would have lowered the ceiling and never seen the beautiful vault again.
    Looking forward to "the rest of the story".

  5. What a delightful place to stay! So interesting and how nice that they've incorporated some of the history from the school into the decor. Creative ideas, too, for added warmth in winter. I also noticed the draperies one could pull over the door. I could use a set like that here.

  6. That is so beautiful Barbara. Thank you for sharing. I really fancy staying in a place like this!

  7. How interesting, different and lovely!!!

  8. Love, love your profile pic Barbara! Such lovely photos...I enjoyed the tour! :)

  9. Thanks for the tour of the inside. I love all the windows and light and the views of the church across the way too. That is a very unique sort of home I think. I have never seen a schoolhouse that looks anything like that here...a church perhaps. Alan's shower looks quite amazing!

  10. PS: I would have been looking for some Elizabeth Goudge books on those shelves!

  11. So interesting to see all these interior shots, Barbara. Looking back at the front door, you have a photo showing curtains just on the inside of the door -- to keep draft out, I wonder?

  12. What a wonderful place to stay!!! I love what they have done with it, but I can imagine your panic when you couldn't get in. Thank goodness the pub was able to help.

  13. What an interesting house. Is the arched door characteristic of the area, or of old school houses? Were they affiliated with the nearby church?

    Such a place must just breathe history.

  14. Beautiful pictures. Such a great way to preserve historical buildings. So wonderful that it is available to the public. Glad you had a great time. Blessings.

  15. You poor things - I would have been in a complete state, too! It looks the most amazing house, though - q wonderful place to stay.

    Pomona x

  16. Fantastic space and it makes a lovely home. I like the name "The Old School" - succinct and to the point. I hope you have a grand time.

  17. What a wonderful place. I love the stained glass. The spaces look so nice and cosy.

  18. I every much enjoyed seeing these wonderful photos. Thanks for sharing them. Also thanks for visiting my blog!

    Greetings from Canada.

  19. What a breath-taking place, Barbara. And such a space! All to yourselves? Awesome.

  20. Yes, i coudl definitely live there! So lovely.

  21. Beautiful photos of your holiday destination,especially the house!
    Enjoy the trip!

  22. Goodness, what a beautiful holiday cottage. I love it. I am always trying to find unusual and quirky holiday houses, but it's so hard, although they DO exist. But I never came across this one in all my internet searches. Thanks for the photos.


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