Monday 18 April 2011

London on an April Sunday Pt.2

Having walked through St. James's park

We now turn left down The Mall towards the Palace
All traffic suspended as preparations have begun for the Royal wedding in 3 weeks time

The broadcasting stand all sealed off

and gates to Green Park closed

Something has 'tickled Alan's fancy' as they say
(made him smile)

as we walk past the beautiful Spring flower beds

I read in the newspaper just last week that because of the unseasonal warm weather the tulips are way ahead and will be finished by the wedding. The faded bulbs will have to be cut back before then.

The Queen Victoria memorial

Buckingham Palace

The Royal Coat of Arms

Taken through the railings

and just to the side, Clarence House, the official
London residence of Prince Charles and the Dutchess of Cornwall
and the Princes William and Harry


  1. It's all going to look very different in a few days time!!

  2. How beautiful! My father was in London during the war. He used to tell me how sad he was that it had been bombed so much. I am so glad that it is beautiful again.
    Many Blessings,

  3. You're having unseasonably warm temperatures and ours are unseasonably cold. Weather - it's not in our hands, is it?

    Lovely stroll. I'm looking forward to watching bits of the wedding on the television. But I'm not getting up at 4 am to do so. I'll catch the reruns.

  4. I'm here echoing Lorrie...unseasonably cold here, too. How unfortunate that the tulips will have gone by in three weeks' time; however, I am sure that there will be many flowers and many decorations. Will you be in the city for the wedding, Barbara or will you watch from the comforts of home? Something really did tickle Alan's fancy. That's the biggest smile I've ever seen him wear. You should get him to grin more often that way.

  5. I for one cannot wait for the wedding of Kate and William and the Queen will be visiting my city of Cork in May!

  6. I wish them well!
    Thanks for the tour I enjoyed it very much.

  7. Loved my virtual visit!
    The flower beds are super.
    What will replace the spring bulbs in time for THE

  8. Won't it be exciting? Too bad the spectacular flowers will be gone by then, but we will have a beautiful bride to replace them.

    You have taken me right back to my wonderful visits to London. Thank you! Summer dress already on the guards?

  9. Woowh, thanks for the photos. It was nearly a year ago that we were there for the queens birthday parade. Such a beautiful place, and London is a great city. Lucky you.

  10. Do you ever feel like you are waking up in a fairy tale? Being surrounded by Nobility.
    I think I would.
    Have a Blessed day.

  11. Good evening, Barbara. It's been a while since I've visited and I sure have returned on the perfect day. Your photos are a wonderful visual memory of my visit to London and Buckingham Palace many years ago. It was as beautiful then as it is today.

    I was up at 2 a.m. PST when Charles and Diana married so long ago. This time I will be sharing the marriage of William and Kate with my daughter. We are so excited. Can hardly wait.

  12. I am so envious of you living in close proximity to the Royal Wedding festivities! Thank you for the peak at Clarence House; I don't recall seeing a picture of it before.

  13. It's like our own private tour of London, thank you!

  14. The flower pictures are wonderful! We are currently going through our catalogs longing and planning for gardens. It's so unseasonably cold here and everyone is longing for spring. We had 2 inches of snow on the ground yesterday morning--the latest I think I ever remember in my 50 years. I am anxiously looking forward to watching the wedding on tv! I've never traveled much, but if I could travel again, I'd choose England once more--it's so beautiful and I felt I didn't get enough time to fully enjoy all the wonders of your beautiful country.

  15. I saw those sites in June one year and it was fabulous...the tulips and flowers howver look very nice. I'm not sure what they had bloomin gin thtose beds when I was visiting. It's making me curious now and I may go pull my photos out to see. HA! Thanks for the "Royal Wedding" updates too......that was interesting to see the "Media Boxes!"

  16. Hello Barbara, What a treat to see these photos! Thank you so much. How excited Kate must be....with the wedding so soon, amidst great public excitement as well as the royalty part.

    Thank you also for visiting my blog....=). I hope you will come again soon.

  17. They always make a good job of those tulips at Buck House. Nice tour Barbara. Wishing you a blessed Easter weekend :)

  18. I am so excited about this wedding.
    My GrandMother(Sheffield) had the Plates when Queen Elizabeth was Married and the Coronation Plates.
    All of America will be watching.. Sick as a dog
    been in bed a week with the flu.

    great post yvonne

  19. Great photos! The flower gardens look beautiful!

    God bless and have a wonderful Easter :-)



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