Wednesday 16 February 2011

1:1:11 ???

Some interesting numbers this year
1.1.11     1.11.11     11.11.11
if you take the last 2 numbers of your date of birth
add the age you will be this year you will come up with

Here we are before the age of digital cameras with 14 megapixels
and certainly before blogging was even a word, some photos of Bridgnorth in Shropshire, an English town on the River Severn 

and a couple of a steam train approaching the railway station at Arley
think The Railway Children

How much amateur photography has advanced since I took these about 1995


  1. Enjoyed this post with your 1995 pics. Especially the train.

    These pictures remind me of a story book!
    God bless,

  2. They are still beautiful photos - reflecting the eye of one who appreciates beauty.

    And I love the reference to the Railway Children - I loved reading that book to our children.

  3. Your corner of the world is so beautiful. I badly wish I could visit. We are hoping to do it next year.

    Your fact about birth year and age adding up to 111 is too amazing! How can it be that that works for everyone? (It's a rhetorical question. If you tried to explain it to me my simple brain would probably explode!)

  4. Where you live and photograph is really beautiful. I wish I could come there to paint the countryside. Have a great week, Barbara!

  5. They're lovely photos, Barbara, no matter when you took them. I really like the last and the fourth of the steep street between the charming cottages. Interesting facts about 111. Numbers are fascinating. Of course, it works for next year as well...take your birth year and add it to the age you'll be next year and you'll get 112 and it worked for last year. :D Fun!

  6. Isn't it amazing? I look at some of our old pictures and so wish that they had the clarity of this age of photography. It makes me wonder how much more it can change.

  7. Yet your photos are bright and clear.
    I love to see a steam train, it takes me back to childhood.

  8. Hello Barbara

    These pictures are still lovely even though they are not digital. Bridgnorth seems to be a lovely town.

    Have a great week-end!

    Tracy :)

  9. It is amazing how things have changed so much since 1995. I love digital cameras and also scanners that let us save the pictures we had before them too. I've not taken much time to do that but it is a great idea. Your pictures are always a delight for me to see. It's interesting too how the numbers work out like that. I hope your part of the world is starting to show some signs of Spring there. We are warmer today and snow is melting but very much still in evidence.

  10. Beautiful photographs and the subjects are too! I love trains. Love hearing their whistles.

  11. Hello Barbara,
    nice to meet you. Beautiful the last
    photos you've put, I LOVE ENGLAND!
    If you want to read my post, right side,
    there is a translator, I'd love to.
    A hug
    ° ° SUSY

  12. Dear Barbara, I have travelled on the Severn Valley Railway from Bewdley to Bridgnorth and the journey is an absolute delight. The countryside is very pretty and the stations are a joy. I am not surprised that the railway attracts huge numbers of visitors each year. A particular treat is to take tea on the train!!

  13. I tried your number exercise and wowh it works. How very interesting. I think I have family who used to come from somewhere near your photos.

  14. Hi Barbara - trust you are well. The photos still are wonderful but you are right - it is quite frightening as to how quickly cameras change. No sooner have you bought one then it's out of date!! lol - Judyx

  15. Beautiful! Reminds me of my trip to England!

  16. You know some people, like myself say they have been to England. I saw London. This town is so charming, I am sure most American's have never really seen England.Hey, that number thing worked. How do these things work?


  17. Technology has improved across the board hasn't it?

  18. They are still beautiful photos of a beautiful area. :-)
    Have a nice week!

  19. Thank you for the interesting facts about this year! Fascinating. It's true, photography has come a long way. But your pictures are still amazing! Good to be back and browse your posts!

  20. How I have loved lingering over your pictures of Bridgnorth. I am so familiar with this lovely Shropshire town and have many wonderful memories of frequent visits there in my childhood. My brother and I spoke only recently about making a nostalgic trip back there soon. I have many lovely pieces of crockery that my Mother purchases from a wonderful stall in Bridgnorth market. It always amazed me how the stall holder would hold a complete dinner service stacked neatly along one arm.

    Sheer delight to then scroll down to find pictures of Arley. My father was born in this village. and lived in one of the cottages alongside the river. We’ve spent many memorable holidays in Arley. I remember the ferry boat that took passengers and vehicles from one side of the river to the other. I even remember Arley castle.... both now long gone.

    Thanks for this trip down memory lane Barbara. Marion


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