Saturday 13 November 2010

Trinity College - Cambridge Pt.3

We will take a visit to Cambridge again with this post and this time we will go into the grounds and chapel of Trinity College.

Trinity is the largest college in the University. Today it consists of a Master; about 160 fellows, most of whom are engaged in teaching; about 320 postgraduate students; and about 650 undergraduates.
The King's Hall received it's charter in 1337, and was given buildings by King Edward III in what are now the northern parts of the Great Court. Michaelhouse, founded in 1324 by Hervey de Stanton, Chancellor of the Exchequer to Edward II, occupied buildings to the south.

We will enter by the Great Gate where we see a statue of the College's founder King Henry VIII

Here on the west side facing inwards are statues of King James I, flanked by his wife, Anne of Denmark, and his heir, Prince Charles (later King Charles I)

The public are not allowed access to student accommodation areas naturally. Among former occupants of the Great Court
Sir Issac Newton (1642 -1727), mathematician and natural philosopher, lived in rooms on the first floor between the Great Gate and the Chapel. In what was once his garden, between the cobbles and the Chapel, is an apple tree descended from one at his home in Woolsthorpe in Lincolnshire, and planted in 1954.
(See an earlier post on Woolsthorpe)

We will now go into the Chapel via. the outer hall


More stained glass windows which all tell their own story

Alan is pointing to the organ pipes

Like many other college chapels, it is divided by the organ screen into two; the anti-chapel and the chapel. Services are held here daily in term-time. Evensong has been held here regularly since the founding of the chapel.

Looking back into the hall
No forgetting the hall ceiling with it's many crests 

The novelist W.M.Thackeray (1811-63), author of Vanity Fair, lived on the ground floor in what is now part of the Porter's Lodge.

Hope you enjoyed your visit to another college
We visited only 3 this day but more Cambridge photos to come 


  1. You're such a sweetheart to share, and what a lot of work that is. :)

    Thanks so much! I love your tours.

  2. Thank you for that visit. My father read Mathematics at Trinity, and I've always longed to visit.

  3. How fascinating! Cambridge is definitely on the agenda for my 'next' visit to England. So much history...

  4. I did enjoy this tremendously.
    Glorious, glorious.

  5. I have loved this tour. Thankyou for posting and telling the history of yet another place in English history.

  6. I just can't imagine what it would be like to be a student there and have all of that beauty around you at all times. I do hope that they can appreciate it.

    Your photos are just gorgeous and give us a feel as though we are traveling with you.

  7. Oh, I DID enjoy my visit! Gorgeous photos, Barbara!

  8. I'm so glad that you and Alan never tire of touring around England because I never tire of seeing your photos and reading the information. So much of the New World's history is tied to England and Europe. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Dear Barbara, I have much enjoyed this tour of Trinity College. I know far less about the Cambridge colleges than those at Oxford and so I find your commentary most interesting. The College is certainly extremely beautiful and meticulously kept. The chapel is such a gem, oh to attend Evensong there!

  10. What a lovely place. The architecture is similar in style to Oxford's. Love those ceilings!

  11. Hello Barbara

    Love the history of this post. Which families are respresented on the crests?

    Have a great week

    Tracy :)

  12. Great photos with a frame and a perfect light, a sequence very nice and pleasant to watch. Congratulations.

  13. Wonderful photos; beautiful architecture; rich in history.

  14. Great tour. Somewhere I still have not visited!!!

  15. Lovely photos Barbara,the lawns are so well cared for they are manicured! Great history lesson too!

  16. I did! I enjoyed my visit very much as always. Such magnificence in these buildings. To think it was built in the 1300's. I've been on travels these last days but home again and able to access my blog again. Thanks for stopping by!

  17. Dear Barbara,
    You are such a wonderful tour guide.
    I love my virtual visits to England.
    I have not been to Cambridge since 1964.
    Have you read Gwen Raveret's Period Piece?
    Much of it is set in Cambridge.
    I do hope you and Alan are doing well?
    We just returned from a wonderful trip to Italy where we met 37 years ago....

  18. There are so many magnificent places to visit in your part of the world! I enjoyed this little tour, and especially the ceiling with all the crests.


I do appreciate your comments very much - they enhance my day. Thank You.