Wednesday 3 November 2010

Stunning Autumn Colours - Pt 1

Putting the Cambridge posts on hold in order to show you some stunning Autumn colours in Sheffield Park Gardens yesterday. Not the town Sheffield, in the North of England but a beautiful garden to the south of London. Decided to go and walk there before the leaves finally fell. The garden is a combination of 18th century landscape overlaid with a 20th century planting scheme planted around 5 large lakes.

I am posting these photos over 2 posts as there are a lot of great photos and worth seeing, even though I say it myself! Enjoy!

If you enjoyed the stroll
Come back for part 2


  1. Beautiful! You captured the reds really well. I'm hoping for a second visit this week :)

  2. The pictures are breathtaking. Thank you so much for sharing.


  3. Oooh, so spectacular!
    The reds are so vibrant, they really grab your attention.
    It's a perfect display of Autumn, the gardens are just breathtaking.
    Look forward to part 2 !

  4. All of them are so lovely. What a beautiful place. Thanks as always for sharing your walks with us. I feel like I had a pleasant stroll for sure.

  5. Oh yes! I'll be back. The white of the ornamental grasses against the scarlet leaves is gorgeous as are the salmon-colored leaves and the gold. Just stunning! Great photography, Barbara...

  6. Goodness, but those are gorgeous colors. Are they more brilliant than normal this year? They are just stunning.

  7. Those colours are amazing! We dont have autumn here, so I enjoyed all these pictures :)

  8. Hello Barbara

    I love Autumn and all the colors it offers. Your pictures are lovely, breathtaking and yes I will be back!!

    Tracy :)

  9. Those reds are so luscious. So very different to all our gum trees. And I really love the lakes, water always seems to complete a garden.

  10. Oh my goodness - SO beautiful! Fall colors are something I will miss while I'm in Taiwan. Perhaps I will have to visit your blog often and enjoy them through your lens.

  11. Barbara, how beautiful. Our color is just about gone here in No. Illinois. Have a wonderful day. Balisha

  12. The colors of your world are gorgeous! As they are here. I especially loved the contrast of the reds with the white. Didn't God do a great job when He created our world? I think He paints the colors of Autumn just for us.

  13. Just lovely, do tell us more about that building!

  14. I just discovered You! Thank you so much, your pictures are beautiful! We visited England this summer and fell in love. We had a private garden tour that was beyond all our expectations.
    Marianne, near NYC, USA

  15. Just beautiful!


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