Tuesday 6 July 2010

My Baby is 40

My baby is 40 today - Happy Birthday Janie - Forty years ago I was sitting up in bed marvelling at the sight of a tiny daughter in the cot beside me. We already had a much adored son and had never imagined that we would have a daughter to adore too. I had 4 brothers, Alan had 3 brothers, all our brothers had sons (not a girl on the horizon) so I shall never forget Alan's face when he looked back at me and said, "It's a girl"

It does not seem 5 minutes since Janie was waiting to go to university (dressed in red in photos) Where did those years go? As all Mothers know, you hold your new born child in your arms one minute and the next thing you know they are celebrating their 40th birthday. What a blessing that is, as not every child reaches that milestone, so today I will be thinking of all the highlights of those years and thanking God for every single one of them.

For those who have enquired about Alan's progress - he will be having further investigations - op/procedure on the 22nd July so we still have a while to wait. Not an easy time as I know many of you know from your own experiences. Thanks you so much for your concern and prayers - it means a lot.


  1. Happy Birthday, Janie!
    And congratulations to the proud parents.
    I believe that our children are our greatest achievements and greatest blessings.
    All best wishes to your whole family.

  2. Such a pretty daughter...always smiling. :) What a blessing after all of those boys!

    And thanks for the updates on your husband too. Waiting is hard, but lots of folks are praying.

    Take care.

  3. Happy Birthday to your dear daughter!

  4. Happy Birthday to your daughter. I know what you mean about time flying by. My husband always said there was something very special about having a daughter. Thanks too for the update on Alan's health. I will continue to keep you both in my prayers during this difficult time.

  5. Congratulations to the birthday girl! I remember how thrilled I was to have a daughter..two sons were quite enough!

  6. Dear One,
    May the good Lord comfort you and your dear husband...the waiting is terrible. Praying for you both.

    With joy and excitement you can celebrate your sweet daughter's 40th birthday. Wishing her a lovely birthday.

    God bless,

  7. Happy birthday to Janie! She is a beautiful daughter - a true gift from the Father above. I'm continuing to pray for both of you as you wait for further procedures. The waiting time is so hard but aren't you thankful we can 'wait' on the Lord?

  8. Happy birthday to Janie. What a joy she has been for you too.

    Thanks for the update on Alan. We are all keeping him (and you) in our prayers.

  9. Time does fly! Thanks for the update, I was wondering. Still praying.

  10. Oh goodness! The comments here aren't showing up either.

    Love this tribute to Janie and the background story. She's a beautiful girl and always has been. I'm happy to wish her a happy birthday right here in your blog. Can she be coaxed to write in hers again? She's probably so very busy with the wee ones.

    I saw the 22nd and thought to myself that I'll be able to remember that one as my hubby is having a test that day as well. These are the times that teach us all about resting and leaning on the Lord. And I do know what a challenge that is. Much love to you both.

  11. Hi Barbara,
    Happy birthday to your dear daughter. It does go by so fast!
    Your flower pictures are just stunning. You have the knack.

    Alan will continue to be in our prayers (you too)!

    huge hugs,

  12. Thanks for the little update on Alan and the lovely collage of your precious girl.

  13. All good thoughts to Alan.

    Happy birthday Janie. I know what you mean. My baby is in Holland for the 1st time. I'm sure it was only last week I wouldn't let him out of the garden alone. :-)

  14. Happy Birthday Janie. Ahh 40 is still a spring chicken :)
    I'll be praying for Alan and that he will be in good health soon.
    Your garden looks gorgeous. I lOVE roses and yours are divine !

  15. Glad Jane had a good 40th.

    Thinking about you and Alan. Health issues are not fun. Dan has his 2nd go at hip replacement surgery on Monday. I would love and covet your prayers.

    Palms 18:32-40 has given me some great comfort last night NLT

    Comfort and prayers for you and Alan.

  16. Oh, I loved your story about the birth of your Jane. How wonderful! I'm still praying for Alan.


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