Monday 19 April 2010

Continuing Silence with Views from My Garden

It is now our 5th day of silence in the skies. As time has gone by we find there are more and more people that we know who are stranded somewhere in the world as far afield as Europe, India, the USA and New Zealand. For all the advances of man, the forces of nature can still have the final say. An act of God is the familiar term. How glad I am to know that God is still in control whatever happens.

In saying the above I do not trivialise the reality for those caught up in it. For many it is a very difficult situation - people with young children, the elderly, the sick, those who have run out of medication, those that have run out of money and not to mention the people back home that may be relying on them.

For people like my son who is stranded in Southern Spain - he has been able to take advantage of the situation and has taken a ferry over to Morrocco and settled himself into a hotel there until he can get a flight back. Goodness knows how much overtime he will have to do to catch up with his work when he finally returns.

My daughter and family turned down an invitation to a wedding on a cruise ship in the Carribean where my son-in-law had been asked to be best man. Janie decided that it was not feasible to take a baby and toddler on a Carribean cruise. How glad she is now with the wedding party stranded in Miami for the last 5 days.

Those that can are doing everything in their power to get home. Some are making their way to sea ports and finding berths on container ships and several celebrities have hired taxis costing thousands of pounds. It has got to the point where the Royal Navy are in talks about using war ships to evacuate stranded people. What an unusual situation this is.

One friend who is stranded in Mallorca has written a very interesting piece about the situation where she is and has posted it on her blog. Go HERE of you are interested in reading it.

While all this is going on I am enjoying the continuing blossoming of my Springtime garden (as well as doing some hard work in it)

This tree is actually in my neighbour's garden but overhangs mine and I just love the contrast of the brown leaves against the white. I wish I could post the perfume to you.

I am enjoying the blossom in my local neighbourhood park too. Oliver calls this "Grandma's Park" as it is only a few hundred yards from my house.

The above are Ornamental Plum, the above being a pink one contrasting with the white. Now that the ground has dried out I am back walking the perimeter most days which is far nicer than walking the paths.


  1. Praise God that He is in control and orders our steps! I'm glad the skies are beginning to clear now (heard this on the news a few moments ago).

    Barbara, your gardens are lovely as always! Thank you for sharing them.

    Much love,


  2. Hello Barbara...I know, this entire "silent skies" is crazy. I'm flying out of Las Vegas on Friday to see my sis (In a Garden), thank God I didn't book my flight out of LAX. Even though I'm not traveling out of the USA, LAX has been a traffic nightmare since this all happened. Geesh!!

    Stay blessed...your Spring blooms are gorgeous!!!

  3. The thought that has come to my mind is similar to yours - how man plans and schemes and how fragile our puny systems really are. God is the one in control, for certain!

    So glad your son is okay and your daughter her family are in their own home.

    Enjoy your beautiful garden!


  4. I very much enjoyed the photos of spring blooms! It was also interesting to read about the quiet skies due to flights being grounded. I've been following the situation on the news and feel for the people who are stranded. It would be a nightmare.

  5. It is so good to see all the blossoms and color emerging now that Spring has too.

  6. Your blooms are beautiful. I love this time of year. It is unfortunate that so many have been stranded. No one could have possibly foreseen what happened. I'm glad your son is doing ok.

  7. I am thankful I'm not traveling this week, although my daughter is flying from San Diego to Ohio tomorrow moring. Prayers appreciated. I'm glad your son is safe, secure, and relaxed. Enjoy the quiet and the spring chores.

  8. It's been so hard to think of all that ash up there when we can only see blue skies from down on the ground.

    I've been hearing the same stories- so many people's insurances are refusing to cover the costs travellers are facing. I immediately thought of Dunkirk when I heard about the navy picking people up. Hopefully now things are easing and people can go home. Home- such a comforting word.

  9. Hope that you will post again telling us what the "noise" is like once the flights are restored. It's interesting to have your perspective. Glad that Janie is home and your son will rebound and have this memory. It certainly has been trying for so many.

    The garden is lovely and isn't it wonderful that we are able to enjoy our neighbor's gardens, too? (I'm watching my neighbors have a sunroom put on instead of their deck...very interesting.)

  10. Hi Barbara,

    Our Lord is in control- this was no surprise to Him. I am so glad that your family is safe.

    Your comment on the cribs,etc. had me laughing. I would not want to be washing them after a little accident-hehe.

    Your garden is amazing!

    Big hugs,

  11. Your garden looks charming and I do wish I could smell it too!

    It is very interesting to hear your report on the goings on of the ash problem. Glad your son is weathering the storm well.

    I will hop on over to the blog you suggested.


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