Tuesday 2 March 2010

Swinging in the Rain

What's this? Clear blue skies!!

When walking before dinner last night it was wonderful to see the sun going down on the horizon. The clear blue skies you see above are how it looks at this very moment. We have another 4 days forecast so............yipee! There is still ice on the rose beds which were flooded again over the weekend but what do I care - the sun is shining.
Why all the excitement well December/January/February have been the coldest for more than 30 years with average temperatures struggling to stay above freezing. Here in the South East where we are known for being a dry county we have had more rain than I can remember in this part of the world.

Saturday found us spending the day with Janie and the Grandchildren. We drove past flooded fields and rivers that had burst their banks which altered the look of the countryside in places. During the afternoon we decided to go for a walk even though it was raining, for children the rain adds to the fun, especially when there are puddles to jump in and mud galore to trample through.

Bekah swinging in the rain with a waterproof jacket over a snow suit, over another hooded jacket making 4 hats to keep her warm and dry. All the clothes went straight into the washing machine when they got home as Bekah had mud up to her knees and Oliver much more having fallen flat in the muddy woodland.


  1. What a wonderful walk- the things memories are made of for little ones. :-) Thanks for sharing.

  2. How cute your grandchilren are. I bet they didn't mind the rain at all. Sometimes it's good to get out no matter what the weather. Glad you have some sunshine there. We are still very snow covered here.

  3. You folks have really had more than your share of cold and rain this year. It seems never ending. It will be interesting to see how the gardens recover from it all.

    The little ones are so adorable. Puddles and children are a natural combination and they don't seem to mind the cold. Bekah is growing so quickly. Can't we slow their growth??????? I love that smiling little face despite layers upon layers of clothing. I am sure she is giving Oliver some troublesome times now.

  4. Look at those happy faces! Children do love the rain and the mud. May you savor every second of sunshine as I know that you will and enjoy those beautiful blue skies. Crazy weather all over...now that's a sign, isn't it?

  5. Beautiful blue sky. I've thought of you this Winter, as you've blogged about the harsh weather. I am a gardener too. In California we've needed the rain so badly. Tho our weather is mild compared to the cold you've had. Your family is lovely!

  6. Walking in the rain is all about attitude and yours is great! Your grandchildren are adorable. Enjoy these four days of blue skies!

  7. I agree - it is lovely to see a bit of sunshine for a change. Everything is so far behind here, we don't even have any daffodils yet!

    Pomona x

  8. What a lovely country you live in! beautiful pics.

  9. Hooray for blue skies at your house! I know how you appreciate those.

    Bekah looks so cute with all those jackets and hoods...

  10. What cutie pies all bundled up! Blue skies are wonderful, and we have had a few of those here too. This morning though we woke up to rain, then sleet, then snow!!! That is suppose to happen up north not here in the south! Seems there is crazy weather everywhere. Well, enjoy your sunshine!!

  11. What fun!
    Getting muddy is such a great delight.
    We look forward to when Henry can toddle about.

  12. Hello from Kansas!
    I went for a drive today and got to see blue skies!!!
    Blessed to see blue.
    It's been grey and cloudy for awhile here as well.
    SpRiNg is a comin'!!!
    Hallelujah and God Bless,

  13. Lovely photos Barbara. And I LOVE the blue sky shot! Perfect :)

  14. They look so happy to be out side. Hope things get better soon.

  15. Hello Barbara, thanks for your reply. Yes, I would like to email you and order the Genesis notes - that would be great. I can't email from this laptop for some odd reason but will visit my parents' house and email from there soon. Thank you!

  16. Lovely gradchildren, Barbara. I know how you feel about the rain--it has rained here in Greenville the last few months more than I can ever remember. We had light snow Tuesday--no ice!

    Today we have a beautiful blue sky :)

    Rain puddles are for adults too--go have fun!

    Tracy :)

  17. I looked over the cherry-plum trees in Lawns Park. A few years ago they were blossoming gloriously in late Feb. They were such a vivid sight. Not so this year. I shall have to be patient.

  18. Ohhhh it looks like you had the best day. I love Bekah in all her layers:) Fun in the mud and sunshine breaking through.

    Your pure blue sky photo showed up on my sidebar, and I was already rejoicing with you for a break from all that rain. Can't imagine, although in Seattle and Portland it is very much their daily lot. I am hoping my kids get sick of it and move back to the sunshine capital of the state :) For the moment they seem to enjoy all that drizzle and overcast laced with many coffee breaks. Of coarse it doesn't usually flood, just constant moisture :/

  19. Hi Barbara,

    The kids have gotten so big! Unbelievable how quickly they grow.
    I'm excited for Jeff and family but boy... I would rather have them closer.

    big hugs,

    P.S. I'm sending warmth your way-77 today.

  20. Barbara, how wonderful it is to see your precious ones tromping about and having such fun in the rain. Children need that freedom to play even when the weather doesn't seem to cooperate. No fun for them waiting for the rain to go away. Such precious pictures of your family.


  21. Your grandkids look adorable. Bekah is getting so big and what a doll she is!


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