Monday 5 October 2009

Malmesbury,Wiltshire Pt.14

Malmesbury is one of the oldest continually inhabited sites in the country, dating back to the 7th Century. The Abbey and town sit on the top of a hill and it was interesting as we climbed the steps below the abbey, each step had a plaque depicting some historical relevance to the town and abbey. I photographed these two as we climbed the steps.

941 Athelstan,King of England dies at Gloucester and is buried in Malmesbury Abbey having given King's Heath to the men of Malmesbury forever

1539 Henry the eighth sells the abbey to William Stumpe, an "exceding rich Clothiar"

The abbey ruins surround the part of the building that is still in use as a parish church today

The Inn right next door would have been used as a stopping place for pilgrims

The tomb of King Athelstan

The abbey's position in the centre of town


  1. Interesting history. It's amazing that we are surrounded by all these beautiful heritage rich places! Blessings barbara, hope you are well. I'm off to Oxford in a couple of weeks for a Street healing training day with Mark (forgotten his name)from NI.

  2. What wonderful history we can find in any town in Britain,if we look. Lovely photos, again.

  3. Sometimes I just can't decide what I like best, the magnificent gardens you share on your blog or the magnificent ruins. The ruins themselves feel like a sort of garden as well.

  4. Athelstan the Glorious - I think I remember that from my History of England course. What lovely stone those buildings are constructed of.

    I hope you are well and enjoying lovely autumn days.


  5. Another beautiful and interesting post. I love learning knew things.Just love the pics.


  6. Great history, thanks.

  7. I understand more and more why I love England and the history of such a great country! As always--thank-you for a great lesson.
    Tracy :

  8. I think we will have to send you to a different county every summer!
    Then you can take us for tours of all the BEST GARDENS and historic villages in England.
    This would be very cool!

  9. Gosh, are there any English towns that aren't lovely? I'm sure there must be but you can't tell from all of your photos.

  10. really nice and very interesting place to visit.
    A lot of history in one place. Pictures are beautiful.
    Regards from the mediterranean


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