Wednesday 23 September 2009

Gt. Chalfield Manor & Garden. Wiltshire Pt.12

On leaving The Courts Garden (last post) our plan is to visit Gt. Chalfield Manor nearby. We can either leave the car here and walk across the fields, or drive. We decide to drive and are amazed just how long it takes to get there.It is in such an 'out of the way' place that it takes us about 40 minutes to find our way and negotiate the lanes that maybe a walk across the fields would have been a better option.

We arrive, the sky has turned very overcast and it is cold and I have developed a nasty headache and am not looking forward to re-negotiating those narrow twisty lanes that seem to go nowhere on the way back.There isn't a tea shop of any kind here but there is a barn with a kettle, small fridge with milk, bottles of spring water, tea, coffee etc. and a tray of wrapped biscuits. One helps themselves and leaves the money in an honesty box. We avail ourselves of this intriguing facility and in view of the headache decide to forgo the 1 hour house tour ( I much prefer places where we can go around ourselves)and we wander the garden instead.

Chalfield is a charming example of a medieval manor, complete with an upper moat, gatehouse and small parish church. Beautiful oriel windows and rooftop soldiers (c.1480 ad)adorn the house, restored between 1905 and 1911 by Major R. Fuller - whose family still live here and manage the property on behalf of the National Trust (the reason for guided tour only). The house and garden have been used in many TV and film productions including Persuasion and The Other Boleyn Girl.

A fun place for children to hide I am sure

I love the choice of colours here against the stone background

Not usual to see moats so far from the house

Still more to come on Wiltshire and from the gardens point of view I have left the best till the last and am still unsure how I am going to do this with so many photos to choose from but it will be worth the wait.


  1. I've not been there but I, too, like house and garden tours. Beautiful garden and an interesting looking house.

  2. I'm sorry that you did not feel well for your visit, but it looked beautiful all the same. Yes, the subtle colors against the stone is lovely.

  3. The pictures are so breathtaking. Thank you so much for sharing.


  4. What a beautiful place. I wonder if the moat went around an even older building which predated the ones you can see?

    Oh yes the planting is so beautiful against that colour stone. Thank you for sharing.

  5. You took some marvelous photos, Barbara. I did get a sense of Jane Austen in some of them, and now I know why, as you tell us that Persuasion was filmed there.

    Like you, I prefer being able to wander about on my own versus a tour in places like this.

  6. It is all so old and beautiful.

  7. Gosh!
    So very many beautiful old stone houses
    and I long to live in all of them.
    I wonder if they are drafty and chilly (probably)
    but I could live with that.
    I liked your photos from an overcast day.
    Seem very quintessentially English somehow!

  8. Thank you for all of the only way to see England is with lovely photos such as yours.
    I am sorry that you didn't feel up to par on your trip but I am glad that it all worked out..nothing like a spot of tea to make one feel a bit better.
    I'm looking forward to more of your picd :)

  9. Did they also film an episode of midsomer murders there, it looks familiar. Lovely house and garden.

  10. Enjoyed my tour this morning Barbara. Such beauty in your part of the world.


  11. That looks like such a beautiful place!

    Pomona x

  12. Yes if I were a kid I would hide there for sure and paly for hours!
    Lots of people here in my store lately from England - today several from London!

  13. Oh Barbara, you outdid me in the beauty of your experience on today's blog. But, there are so many wonderful stories that we get to be exposed to out there, that is what I love about this. You are fortunate to have been in many different areas of the world. I don't feel I will ever get to England, but I can go along on photo tours this way. Think I will call myself an armchair tourist. I am like you, I have twice as many pictures as I have shown here. Makes it hard to select.

  14. Magical buildings and gardens Barbara. They're the type of England I like to picture in my mind.
    June in Oz

  15. Dear Barbara,

    No doubt, the greatest pleasure I experience from visiting here is vicariously enjoying the England that I missed out on when I was in London so long ago. It was just for three days and being in London, though exciting, cannot hold a candle to the wonders of the gardens and countryside you share with us here. I thank you so much for it all.

    Warm wishes,

  16. Huh it just dawned on me the color of my house is similar to those lovely stone walls. I am thinking I need to take some hints from that color scheme you liked.

    I agree with Sara I was in an Austin moment myself in these pictures. I just love the gates on your English Manor marvelous.

  17. Dear Barbara,
    have you ever thought of asking the county, region, towns, you touch with your visits and wonderful reports, to help you gather a brochure, guide?
    I sure would love to know that somebody with your insight and knowledge has actually written about these beautiful locations and would love to use them as a guide, decision making help when travelling to your side of the country. It is really valuable work you are contributing here, thank you for sharing it again and again with us!

    Sunny greetings from Vienna -
    may your Sunday be filled with as much golden September sun as we are enjoying here right now!


I do appreciate your comments very much - they enhance my day. Thank You.